2019-09-01 Commercial Design

(Chris Devlin) #1

Case study

http://www.commercialdesignindia.com Commercial Design | September 2019 | 81

get some amazing results – be that
design culture innoYation career
growth or Ànancial perIormance

  • iI \ou Iocus on making people
    successIul he adds. ́,t·s not alwa\s
    about metrics. You can make great
    growth in a Yer\ short space oI
    time iI \ou Iocus on making other
    people successIulμ he adds.
    Gillard has onl\ been with the
    business a matter oI months and
    it is too earl\ Ior his strateg\ to
    be Iull\ implemented – or judged
    on its eIIectiYeness – but dwp
    Ànds itselI in a position oI strength.
    ́What·s great in terms oI the
    Ànancial backlog oI the compan\
    is the onsite or abouttogoto
    site projects we haYe ongoingμ he
    notes. 7 his includes the renoYation
    oI Yas 9 icero\ Abu Dhabi which
    is being rebranded as a W Hotel
    in time Ior the )omula  Grand
    3 ri[ in 1 oYember. 7 he compan\
    is also working on 2 ne =a·abeel
    numerous projects in Deira
    WaterIront and the corporate
    headTuarters oI the 1 ational Bank
    oI Bahrain. At design stage it is
    working on the interior design oI
    &rowne 3 laza at Business Ba. .illa
    Design is the architecture Àrm.
    Additional design projects include
    the reIurbishment oI the 6 heraton
    Bahrain Hotel and the Westin in
    0\anmar in conjunction to a high
    proÀle G&& project that cannot
    be named due to commercial
    sensitiYes.HaYing historicall\ been
    Iocused on highend hospitalit\
    and corporate oIÀces Gillard
    wants to strengthen and diYersiI\
    dwp·s capabilities in architecture
    highrise buildings sport and
    healthcare. 7 he business hopes
    to use Dubai as a springboard
    to e[pand into the 8. mainland
    (urope and the 86 b\ .
    And Gillard will continue to
    break down barriers soIten the
    hierarchical structure and Iocus on
    empowering staII b\ championing
    inclusiYit\ to create good design
    that is proÀtable and Iun.

model which can be more eIIectiYe
than the hierarchical leaderIollower
Iramework. DaYid 0 arTuet·s book
about a US nuclear submarine
captain called ¶7urn the Ship
Around· summarises this model
he e[plains. 7 he captain has had
 months to make the Yessel and
crew seaworth\ but is moYed to
another ship three weeks beIore
the mission is due to begin. During
a readiness test onboard the new
boat he orders a command which
is repeated back to him b\ his crew
but not Iollowed. He giYes the
order again. Nothing happens. 7 he
crew were too aIraid to tell the
captain that the order could not be
carried out. 7 he problem: no one
challenged him.

“ 7 his is the leaderIollower
model but what we need to
be successIul is the leader
leader model where checks and
balances come backμ he sa\s
adding: “No matter how junior
\ou are \ou should Ieel that \ou
can ask Tuestions. B\ holding
each other accountable \ou
moYe Iorward together because
the whole business is made up oI
Gillard is not onl\ breaking
down hierarchical barriers to build
a team oI leaders but is setting
up inIormal seminars coYering
eYer\thing Irom networking to
perIecting the art oI Iollow ups and
“ 7 he ke\ message Ior me Irom


Part of my

mandate at dwp

is to flatten out

the structure

and drive a

culture of trust,




because then

people feel valued

and incentivised.

That really helps

gets their best


The client wanted a design using the latest luxury materials and technology.

The boutique sales centre in Citywalk is owned by a prominent Dubai-
based holding company.

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