
(Kiana) #1

Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy 305

Examining the role of franchisee normative
expectations in relationship evaluation,
Journal of Retailing, 89: 219–230; W. R. Meek,
B. Davis-Sramek, M. S. Baucus, &
R. N. Germain, 2011, Commitment in
franchising: The role of collaborative
communication and a franchisee’s
propensity to leave, Entrepreneurship
Theory and Practice, 35: 559–581.

  1. M. W. Nyadzayo, M. J. Matanda, &
    M. T. Ewing, 2015, The impact of franchisor
    support, brand commitment, brand
    citizenship behavior, and franchisee
    experience on franchisee-perceived
    brand image, Journal of Business Research,
    in press; N. Gorovaia & J. Windsperger,
    2013, Real options, intangible resources
    and performance of franchise networks,
    Managerial and Decision Economics, 34:
    183–194; T. W. K. Leslie & L. S. McNeill, 2010,
    Towards a conceptual model for franchise
    perceptual equity, Journal of Brand
    Management, 18: 21–33.

  2. H. Parker & Z. Brey, 2015, Collaboration
    costs and new product development
    performance, Journal of Business Research,
    68: 1653–1656; S. Demirkan & I. Demirkan,
    2014, Implications of strategic alliances
    for earnings quality and capital market
    investors, Journal of Business Research, 67:
    1806–1816; M. Onal Vural, L. Dahlander, &
    G. George, 2013, Collaborative benefits and
    coordination costs: Learning and capability
    development in science, Strategic
    Entrepreneurship Journal, 7: 122–137.

  3. C. E. Eesley, D. H. Hsu, & E. B. Roberts, 2014,
    The contingent effects of top management
    teams on venture performance: Aligning
    founding team composition with
    innovation strategy and commercialization
    environment, Strategic Management
    Journal, 35: 1798–1817; G. Ahuja,
    C. M. Lampert, & E. Novelli, 2013,
    The second face of appropriability:
    Generative appropriability and its
    determinants, Academy of Management
    Review, 38: 248–269; C. Choi & P. Beamish,
    2013, Resource complementarity and
    international joint venture performance in
    Korea, Asia Pacific Journal of Management,
    30: 561–576.

  4. Z. Khan, O. Shenkar, & Y. K. Lew, 2015,
    Knowledge transfer from international joint
    ventures to local suppliers in a developing
    economy, Journal of International Business
    Studies, in press; R. Belderbos, T. W. Tong, &
    S. Wu, 2014, Multinationality and downside
    risk: The roles of option portfolio and
    organization, Strategic Management Journal,
    35: 88–106; S. Veilleux, N. Haskell, & F. Pons,
    2012, Going global: How smaller enterprises
    benefit from strategic alliances, Journal of
    Business Strategy, 33(5): 22–31;

  5. A. Dechezlepretre, E. Neumayer, &
    R. Perekins, 2015, Environmental regulation
    and the cross-border diffusion of new
    technology: Evidence from automobile
    patents, Research Policy, 44: 244–257;

I. Arikan & O. Shenkar, 2013, National
animosity and cross-border alliances,
Academy of Management Journal, 56:

  1. Y. Kubota & J. Chow, 2015, French clout at
    Renault roils Nissan deal, Wall Street Journal
    Online, http://www.wsj.com, April 20.

  2. Q. Gu & X. Lu, 2014, Unraveling the
    mechanisms of reputation and alliance
    formation: A study of venture capital
    syndication in China, Strategic Management
    Journal, 35: 739–750; L. Li, G. Qian, &
    Z. Qian, 2013, Do partners in international
    strategic alliances share resources, costs,
    and risks? Journal of Business Research, 66:
    489–498; A. Zaheer & E. Hernandez, 2011,
    The geographic scope of the MNC and its
    alliance portfolio: Resolving the paradox of
    distance, Global Strategy Journal, 1: 109–126.

  3. Z. Khan, Y. K. Lew, & R. R. Sinkovics, 2015,
    International joint ventures as boundary
    spanners: Technological knowledge
    transfer in an emerging economy, Global
    Strategy Journal, 5: 48–68; M. Meuleman &
    M. Wright, 2011, Cross-border private equity
    syndication: Institutional context and
    learning, Journal of Business Venturing, 26:

  4. J. J. Hotho, M. A. Lyles, & M. Easterby-
    Smith, 2015, The mutual impact of global
    strategy and organizational learning:
    Current themes and future directions,
    Global Strategy Journal, 5: 85–112;
    B. B. Nielsen & S. Gudergan, 2012,
    Exploration and exploitation fit and
    performance in international strategic
    alliances, International Business Review, 21:
    558–574; D. Kronborg & S. Thomsen, 2009,
    Foreign ownership and long-term survival,
    Strategic Management Journal, 30: 207–219.

  5. I.-S. Nam & R. Wall, 2015, Airbus, Korea
    Aerospace sign helicopter deal, Wall Street
    Journal Online, http://www.wsj.com, March 16.

  6. S. Xu, A. P. Fenik, & M. B. Shaner, 2014,
    Multilateral alliances and innovation
    output: The importance of equity and
    technological scope, Journal of Business
    Research, 67: 2403–2410; D. Lavie,
    C. Lechner, & H. Singh, 2007, The
    performance implications of timing of
    entry and involvement in multipartner
    alliances, Academy of Management Journal,
    50: 578–604.

  7. 2015, Cisco Partner Summit, Cisco
    homepage, http://www.cisco.com, May 7.

  8. 2015, Strategic alliances—IBM, Cisco Home
    Page, http://www.cisco.com, May 7.

  9. C. Geldes, C. Felzensztein, E. Turkina, &
    A. Durand, 2015, How does proximity affect
    interfirm marketing cooperation?
    A study of an agribusiness cluster, Journal
    of Business Research, 68: 263–272; W. Fu,
    J. Revilla Diez, & D. Schiller, 2013,
    Interactive learning, informal networks
    and innovation: Evidence from electronics
    firm survey in the Pearl River Delta,
    China, Research Policy, 42: 635–646;
    A. T. Ankan & M. A. Schilling, 2011,

Structure and governance in industrial
districts: Implications for competitive
advantage, Journal of Management Studies,
48: 772–803.

  1. A. Phene & S. Tallman, 2014, Knowledge
    spillovers and alliance formation, Journal
    of Management Studies, 51: 1058–1090;
    C. Casanueva, I. Castro, & J. L. Galán, 2013,
    Informational networks and innovation
    in mature industrial clusters, Journal of
    Business Research, 66: 603–613; J. Wincent,
    S. Anokhin, D. Örtqvist, & E. Autio, 2010,
    Quality meets structure: Generalized
    reciprocity and firm-level advantage in
    strategic networks, Journal of Management
    Studies, 47: 597–624; D. Lavie, 2007, Alliance
    portfolios and firm performance: A study of
    value creation and appropriation in the U.S.
    software industry, Strategic Management
    Journal, 28: 1187–1212.

  2. Y. Zheng & H. Yang, 2015, Does familiarity
    foster innovation? The impact of alliance
    partner repeatedness on breakthrough
    innovations, Journal of Management Studies,
    52: 213–230; L. Dobusch & E. Schübler,
    2013, Theorizing path dependence: A
    review of positive feedback mechanisms
    in technology markets, regional clusters,
    and organizations, Industrial & Corporate
    Change, 22: 617–647; A. M. Joshi &
    A. Nerkar, 2011, When do strategic alliances
    inhibit innovation by firms? Evidence from
    patent pools in the global optical disc
    industry, Strategic Management Journal,
    32: 1139–1160.

  3. S. Perkins, R. Morck, & B. Yeung, 2014,
    Innocents abroad: The hazards of
    international joint ventures with pyramidal
    group firms, Global Strategy Journal, 4:
    310–330; J. P. MacDuffie, 2011, Inter-
    organizational trust and the dynamics of
    distrust, Journal of International Business
    Studies, 42: 35–47; H. Kim, R. E. Hoskisson, &
    W. P. Wan, 2004, Power, dependence,
    diversification strategy and performance
    in keiretsu member firms, Strategic
    Management Journal, 25: 613–636.

  4. B. Kang & K. Motohashi, 2015, Essential
    intellectual property rights and inventors’
    involvement in standardization, Research
    Policy, 44: 483–492; V. Van de Vrande, 2013,
    Balancing your technology-sourcing
    portfolio: How sourcing mode diversity
    enhances innovative performance,
    Strategic Management Journal, 34: 610–621;
    A. V. Shipilov, 2009, Firm scope experience,
    historic multimarket contact with
    partners, centrality, and the relationship
    between structural holes and performance,
    Organization Science, 20: 85–106.

  5. K.-H. Huarng & A. Mas-Tur, 2015, Sprit
    of strategy (S.O.S.): The new S.O.S. for
    competitive business, Journal of Business
    Research, 68: 1383–1387; S. Gupta &
    M. Polonsky, 2014, Inter-firm learning
    and knowledge-sharing in multinational
    networks: An outsourced organization’s
    perspective, Journal of Business Research,

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