
(singke) #1


■Research and report on need for personal security
devices to be furnished to employees.

Premises Security

■Secure premises when responsible for closing, 100% of
the time.
■Maintain lighting system so 95% of lights work at any
given time.
■Set alarm system properly at the end of the day, 100%
of time.
■Patrol assigned areas on time and in the required man-

Traffic Control

■Use clear and correct hand signals when directing traf-
fic, to the supervisor’s satisfaction.
■Reduce car-pedestrian parking lot accidents to one or
none per year.
■Ensure that fire lanes are kept clear at all times.
■Arrange for removing any vehicles that impede fire lane
access within 10 minutes of observing them.
■Keep traffic signage visible and in good repair as per
supervisor evaluation.
See also:Workplace Health and Safety
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