
(Martin Jones) #1


Trim the felt numbers into 7x7cm

(2½x2½in) squares. Cut your

stitched piece to 46x66cm (18x30in),

leaving 45cm (17¾in) of fabric below

your stitched design for the pockets.


Position the felt squares on the

fabric in a 5x5 grid measuring

42x42cm (6½x16½in), with a 1.5cm

(½in) gap between each one. Pin in

place. Stitch around the sides and

bottom to make pockets.


Cut a piece of backing fabric

measuring 46x66cm (18x30in). Pin

to your front panel with right sides

facing, then stitch a 1cm (¼in) seam

around the sides and bottom, leaving

the top unstitched. Turn through to

the right side and press flat.


Turn a 3cm (1in) hem at the top,

pin and sew in place to create a

channel for the dowel rod. Insert the

rod and finish with ribbon to hang.

How to make the advent hanging

Bright idea

If you're not much of a sewer, then there

are plenty of other ways to use this

design. Stitch the individual motifs as

cards, tags or decorations for the tree.

You could even stitch the top section as

a special Christmas cushion.

Advent calendar

“To stitch the number pockets, leave two or three

squares between the two numbers on the double-

digit pockets. You may find it helpful to plot these

onto graph paper and find the centre point before

you begin stitching onto your felt.”

Fiona Baker, technical editor

Numbers chart

Cross stitch in two strands

DMC Anchor Madeira

blanc 2 2402 white

349 1098 212 red

351 10 214 light red

604 55 614 light pink

611 898 2107 brown

612 832 2108 light brown

704 255 1308 leaf green

725 305 113 yellow

726 295 109 light yellow

754 1012 305 peach

799 145 910 blue

910 228 1302 dark green

911 205 1214 green

948 892 306 light peach

958 187 1114 emerald

Backstitch in one strand

––––– blanc 2 2402 white

––––– 349 1098 212 red

MAXIMUM STITCH COUNT 80 high x 235 wide

DESIGN AREA 14 HPI (28-count evenweave)

  • 14.5x42.5cm (5¾x16¾in)

These designs were stitched using DMC stranded cotton
on 28-count evenweave over two threads of the fabric and
14-count soluble canvas

Advent calendar key

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