Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists

(ff) #1
Tissue paper is an inexpensive and
versatile collage material. It can be
used to create a lightly textured first
layer, which can then be painted with
transparent fluid acrylic. First cover
the support with a layer of matte
medium. While this is still wet, lay
down the tissue paper, manipulating
it to form creases. Avoid bunching it
up or it will disintegrate when you try
to paint on top of it. Regular white tis,
sue paper works best. Avoid colored
tissue, as it is usually dyed and the
colors will run.
Because tissue paper dries translu'
cent, allowing some but not all of the
light to pass through it, you can use
it to great advantage to add mystery
to your mixed, media paintings. If an
area of text is too bold, calm it down
with a covering of tissue.


Rice papers come in many different
textures and weights. For the pur,
poses of integration, white rice paper
works best, as it can be painted in
any color after it has been stuck
down. The thicker the paper, the
more opaque it will be even after it
is covered with matte medium. Many
papers contain strands of silk, which
absorb the paint more readily, leaving
the fibers darker than the rest of the
paper. These papers, though harder
to tear, can leave wonderful, ragged
edges when ripped apart.
Like cheesecloth, rice paper can be
dyed in advance by dipping it into a
solution of diluted paint and hanging
it up to dry. Afterward, the papers
can be further embellished by lightly
brushing thick gold paint over the
raised areas.
Other texture materials are opaque
and therefore less subtle. They will
give complete coverage. The more
prominent the texture, the more
carefully their placement needs to
be planned.

Light bulb packets are often lined
with stiff white corrugated paper that
is perfect for painting Since one side
is smooth, it also adheres easily. Of
course, there are dozens of other
sources of corrugated cardboard in
packaging materials. What a great
way to recycle! If the cardboard is
thick and brown, stick it down with
heavy gel medium and then coat it
with regular matte medium to act as
a seal. When you come to paint it, the
paint will stay on the top and not be
absorbed into the fibers. For drama,
try painting it first with a dark color
then adding a light opaque or metallic
paint to the ridges.
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