All you need to know for your marriage celebration
What is the diference
between civil partnership
and marriage?
A:Apart from the wording and
process of the actual ceremonies,
the main differences come down
to legalities. For example, civil
partners do not have the same
pension rights as married couples.
Visitgov.ukfor a detailed guide to
the comparisons.
Can I convert my civil
partnership to a marriage?
A:Yes you can visit your
local register office for a
straightforward conversion or
have a ceremony at an approved
venue with a registrar. You’ll both
need to be present and bring proof
of ID and of your civil partnership
you’ll then be issued with a
marriage certificate. For more info,
Can same-sex couples have
a church wedding?
A:Yes, but only if the governing
body of the religious organisation
has opted in to consent of same-
sex marriage, the individual
minister is happy to conduct
the marriage and the church
itself is registered for
same-sex ceremonies.
Which churches recognise
same-sex weddings?
A:The Jewish and Quaker
churches offer same-sex
ceremonies you’ll just need to
give notice to the register office 16
days before the ceremony. Same-
sex weddings cannot currently
take place in Anglican churches.