WealtH & Holidays
the health
by doctors
september 1, 2019
Rising stars... the
best hotels with
their own bakeries
Holidays PageS 68 - 69
Don’t let ‘Bank
of Mum and Dad’
ruin retirement
Wealth PageS 60 - 61
The truth about
Kim’s £20 gummy
bear hair pills...
Health PageS 56 - 57
good news for the
baby in the family:
you’ll live longer!
Health Page 55
How do you tell
your children
you have cancer?
It’s the gut-wrenching conversation every
parent prays they will never have. So...
HE secret to successful par
enting, I’ve learned, is sur
prisingly simple. In a word:
communication. But when it
comes to telling our innocent
children about sex or the pain
and suffering in the world, we suddenly
become tightlipped.
I realised this for myself during a conver
sation that made me sick to my stomach –
telling my then threeyearold son Ludo
that his baby brother had been stillborn.
But on the advice of a grief counsellor, I
told Ludo about the situation in as much
detail as he wanted and let him ask the
questions he needed to. This was a talk that
would come to define the relationship I
have with my children today. They ask me
By Marina Fogle
turn to page 52
Helen Addis
with daughters
Belle, far left,
and April, and
son Archie