Happiful – September 2019

(Wang) #1


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I came out of a long-
term relationship
recently and I’m
struggling with dating. I

love the closeness of being

in a relationship, but don’t

feel good enough for a new

love interest yet. How can I
move on?

Connect with your deepest values, then live by them.

Don’t sacrifice what you want most, for what you want now.

Do what makes you proud, fall in love with yourself.

Get out of your comfort zone. When you do you’ll become
proud of your achievements, and realise how uncomfortable
it was to stay the same. Be brave, explore what excites you,
and don’t be scared to fail.

Live to please your own soul, not your ego or other people.



Sometimes we do need time.
Don’t force yourself to feel
differently if you don’t feel ready. While
you sit in this space, use the time to
fall in love with yourself. The more you
love yourself, the more you will allow
yourself to be loved by others and
have a healthy, fulfilling relationship.
Learning to love yourself starts with
getting to know your deepest values,
then aligning your behaviour with
those values. A healthy relationship
starts with the one you have with
yourself – get that right and the rest,
including healthy relationships, will


Life coaching advice

“The more you love
yourself, the more you will
allow yourself to be loved
by others”
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