Happiful – September 2019

(Wang) #1
16 Carrie Hope Fletcher
The actor, author, and YouTuber opens up
about rebuilding after a relationship, and
the importance of setting boundaries

28 The truth about trich
What's behind the condition that gives
people the urge to pull out their hair, and
how can it be treated?

58 Gok Wan
13 years after How to Look Good Naked
first aired, Gok talks body confidence in
the digital age

68 Know your neuroscience
Could understanding our brain functions
be the key to unlocking confidence?

36 Katie: facing the future
Katie struggled to manage her mental
health for more than a decade, until
a diagnosis of bipolar offered her the
answers she needed to move forward

52 Ashley: in it together
Living with mental health and
neurodiversity, life hasn't always been
easy for Ashley. But in finding love and
a supportive online community, he's
finally embracing who he is

87 Brian: a new me
It wasn't easy for Brian to admit that
he had developed a problem with
drinking. Today, he's renewed his
passion for life after reaching out for
the help that he needed


Life Stories

The Uplift


8 In the news

13 The wellbeing wrap

14 What is cyber self-harm?
What motivates people to send themselves
hate online, and how can it be helped?

74 Mini donks for wellbeing
The social enterprise enhancing lives with
their seven miniature donkeys

26 Back to school
Columnist Grace Victory explores the
anxiety that flares up in September
46 Live life, unfiltered
Read the life-affirming novel that gets frank
about what it takes to be the best you

51 Things to do in September

90 Quickfire: MH matters





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