Happiful – September 2019

(Wang) #1

Life unfiltered

An influencer more by
chance than choice,
Millie’s dreams of
having her own fashion
line are far from reality.
While her Instagram
feed portrays a perfect
life – filled with new
outfits, a spotless home,
and perfect shots of her
little boy – in reality,
Millie struggles to make
ends meet.

Claire shows us first-
hand the impact online
trolling can have on
someone’s confidence,
sharing with us Millie’s
building anxiety and
dread around the
comments section
whenever she posts an
update. This snapshot
is a gentle reminder
that there is another
person at the other end
of our screens, who can
be more hurt by harsh
words than we may
While Millie’s struggles
to balance authenticity
while crafting
an inspirational,
aspirational feed are
interesting to read,
it’s the glimpses into
her experiences with
postnatal depression
(PND) that really make
readers stop and think.

Embarrassment and
guilt still plague Millie
at times. Despite all
that she does for her
son, she still can’t help
but fear she isn’t doing
Both reassuring and
heartbreaking, it’s
great to see big issues
being woven naturally
into the overall
narrative, rather than
being the sole focal
point of the novel.
Millie’s experiences
with PND are clearly
a part of her, but they
don’t define her.

Should I read it?
Living My Best Life is
a fun, light-hearted
read. Filled with new
friendships, relatable
struggles, and just
a touch of glam, it’s
refreshing to see a

It can be hard

to remember:

a single,


shot doesn’t

show the full

Living My Best Life
By Claire Frost
(Simon & Schuster
UK, out 5 September,


  • Fans of light-hearted

  • Readers looking for
    feel-good vibes

  • Insta enthusiasts
    looking for a healthy
    dose of reality

Approaching 39, Mummy
isn’t content with the future
she is facing. Clutching her
glass of wine, she mutters
FML over and over, until
she remembers the gem of
an idea she’s had...

A collection of poetry
and prose about survival,
the experience of love,
loss, violence, abuse, and
femininity. Journey through
the most bitter and sweet
moments in life.

Elizabeth has a house, a
husband, and they’re trying
for a baby – and she doesn’t
want any of it. Emerging
from a bitter divorce, it’s
time to search for the things
she has been missing...

Why Mummy
Drinks by Gill

Milk and Honey
by Rupi Kaur

Eat, Pray, Love
by Elizabeth

If you liked this, you’ll love...


novel featuring women
of an older age than is
typical for the genre.
If you’re looking for
a book that weaves in
relatable issues without
losing its charm and
style, Living My Best Life
could be the right book
for you.
Free download pdf