Happiful – September 2019

(Wang) #1
Rapid breathing, a racing heart, or upset stomach – alongside the intense fear, panic attacks
can come with some scary physical side-effects. With so much of our lives spent at work, and
it often being a stressful environment, knowing some practical steps you can take to support
a co-worker with panic disorder could make a world of difference

Writing | Kat Nicholls

How to help a colleague

having a panic attack


anic attacks are, by their
very nature, a scary
experience. And even
when you’re not the
one having the attack,
knowing how to help can be
tough. The situation can become
even trickier to navigate when it
happens in the workplace.
Do you call an ambulance? Do
you suggest meditation? What’s
The first thing to note is that
everyone is unique. Panic attacks
can look different for each person.
As they share many of the same
symptoms as a heart attack, it can
be hard to know which they’re
experiencing. If you’re in any
doubt, please call 999 and get
medical assistance.
If you’re sure it’s a panic attack,
remember that everyone will have
their own ways in which they
prefer to be supported. This is why
communication before an attack,
where possible, is key.

If you know a colleague is prone to
panic attacks, have a conversation

with them about it. Ask them if
there are any signs you can look
out for that may suggest they are
feeling panicky (for example, they
may get up for walks more often).
You can also ask what helps
them when they’re experiencing
an attack. Some people want to
be alone when they have a panic
attack, while others appreciate
company and support. Ask them if
there’s anything you can say or do
to help. If they say no, check to see
if there’s anyone they would like
you to call for help.

Your first instinct may be to tell
them to ‘calm down’ or ‘relax’, but
this can be unhelpful – after all,
if they could simply relax, they
would. Instead, it’s important to
recognise that what’s happening is
a scary experience for them, but
reassure them that you are there if
they need you.
Ask if there’s anything you can
do to help, or if they want to go
outside for some fresh air. You can
suggest a breathing exercise if you
know this is something they’re

open to. If you’re at work, it can be
helpful to let others know what’s
happening, such as HR or their
manager (if they give you consent
to do so). You could also offer to
take their calls while they’re away
from their desk.
Some people find it helpful to
be distracted. This may mean
talking to them about something
completely unrelated to work, or
encouraging them
to play a game
on their phone.
Again, this isn’t
suitable for
everyone, so
what they find
useful is
really key.
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