Happiful – September 2019

(Wang) #1
Many of us are exposed to
blue light all day in the form
of computers and mobile devices,
leaving us mentally drained and prone
to headaches. If your bathroom has
lots of natural light, then consider a
daytime bath. Not only does it feel
like the ultimate extravagance, but
natural light can lead to an improved
sense of wellbeing, and better sleep.
In the evening, consider leaving the
lights off and bathing by candlelight,
as exposure to artificial light at night
suppresses melatonin, interfering with
sleep timing and quality.

It can be tempting to prop up your iPad
and catch up on your favourite Netflix
shows while you’re in the tub, but we
recommend leaving technology out of
the equation. Remember that draining
blue light? Instead, enjoy the silence, or
envelop yourself in a natural soundtrack
like rainforest sounds or lapping
waves. Studies show that nature sounds
can decrease the body’s sympathetic
response (that anxiety jolt that comes
from fight-or-flight) and can increase
feelings of relaxation.

If you struggle to meditate in a normal
setting, then try a few minutes in the
bath. Your body is already physically
relaxed, which should make it easier
to empty your mind and zen out in
your hydrating haven. Simply close
your eyes and concentrate on long,
deep breaths. Keep your mind quiet,
and focus on the present moment.
The sound of the water. The smell of
essential oils. The complete relaxation.

It’s important to
always use a carrier oil to
dilute your chosen essential
oil, otherwise they may cause
skin irritation. A good rule of
thumb when making a 2%
dilution is to add 12 drops
per 30ml of oil.

Why not take it a step further
and add fresh rose petals to
your bathwater? This creates
a soothing rosewater scent
that is suitable for even
sensitive skins.

‘The perfect bath for a healthy
adult should be between 40–45C,
ideally in a room that is 25C’

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