2019-09-01 Reader\'s Digest

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

donelan andrews,
age 60,
Thomaston, Georgia

contracts. They ex-
pected it to take a year
to find a winner.

You must be a lawyer.
I’m actually a learning
coordinator who helps
kids figure out careers
and enter the work-
force. It’s second nature
to know what I’m sign-
ing up for.

How do you show kids
the importance of
reading the fine print?
When I would make a
test, the last part of the
directions would say
something like “You

Was this a contest?
Sort of. I bought travel
insurance for a trip to
London from a com-
pany called Square-
mouth. When I got to
the seventh page of the
contract, I saw a para-
graph that said, “It pays
to read.” It gave direc-
tions to e-mail a partic-
ular address. They
called the next day and
said I’d won $10,000.
During the 23-hour
period before I e-mailed
them, 73 policies had
been purchased and
I was the only one who
had read that far.

Why did Squaremouth
do this?
To promote the
importance of reading

can gain 10 bonus
points if you circle the
number 10 on page 2.”
About a third of the
class would do that,
and the other two thirds
would be mad when
they got their tests back.

What are you going to do
with the prize money?
My husband and I are
celebrating our 35th
wedding anniversary
and my retirement this
summer, so it paid for a
trip to Scotland. And I
have already purchased
travel insurance for
that as well.

rd.com 27

Reader’s Digest

illustration by John Cuneo


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