The Guardian - 31.08.2019

(ff) #1

Sat urday 31 Aug ust 2019 The Guardian


 Stella Tennant
and her youngest
daughter, Iris,
styled by Bay
Garnett, who
all back Oxfam’s
campaign to
change the way
people buy

How to shop for vintage
Top tips from our style editors

Know what you are looking for
A lot of people feel overwhelmed
when shopping second hand for the
fi rst time. It pays to decide what you
are looking for – a certain style and
cut of dress, for example – and only
go to that section.

Try lots of sizes
Sizing changes every decade. Some
recent high street clothing shrinks
in the wash. The size on the label is
only a guide.

Choose hard-wearing fabrics
Denim and leather are always
better second hand, particularly
jackets. The fabric and cut often
improve with age, and there will
be a range of styles, not just the
one or two shapes that the high
street has this season.

Be open-minded
There are some trends you cannot
fi nd on the high street – such as
men’s leopard print. Seek out old
fl oral dresses: the prints are so much
more unique than whatever is on
the high street.

Shoes and belts
Soft leather court shoes or boots that

have been worn in are a fi nd. If they
have made it to a second hand shop,
and they are 20 years old already,
you know they are good quality.
Belts are brilliant and often available
in more sizes than you would fi nd
on the high street.

Look for natural fi bres and
genuinely old items
Always be on the lookout for old
labels, such as Marks & Spencer’s
St Michael or John Lewis’s Jonelle,
so that you know that items are
genuinely old and will probably be
well made.
Also look for natural fi bres – labels
that say 100% wool, cashmere silk
or wool. Melanie Wilkinson and
Helen Seamons

Leather – always
better secondhand


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