2019-09-01 Emmy Magazine

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Eve rushes to help the man. She grabs onto his legs and tries
to relieve the pressure from his neck.

I said no!

You meant yes.

I meant no.

Wrong answer.

There’s a CRACK and the sheet breaks. Alan comes tumbling to
the floor. Villanelle yanks Eve back so she isn’t brought
down with him. His head hits the corner of the coffee table.
Blood begins to spread.

Eve realizes that she is held by her neck by Villanelle and

she yanks herself free. She bends down to check on Alan. He’s
barely breathing. Blood pools underneath him.

Eve tries to stop the bleeding with the sheet wrapped around
his neck as the man twitches on the ground. Quickly the sheet
and her hands are covered in blood. Villanelle sits on the

corner of the bed watching Eve.

Help me!

I am.

Alan stops twitching. His body relaxes. He’s dead. Eve stares
at the body.

You should be thanking me. We took
a dangerous, dirty man out of the
world, Eve. Look at us, making the
world a better place.

Eve stands up and walks towards the door. As she passes
Villanelle the other woman grabs her hand. Eve refuses to

look at her and snatches her hand out of the tight grasp.

Clean this mess up.

Eve walks out of the room.

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