Cycling Weekly – August 22, 2019

(Ben Green) #1
Cycling Weekly | August 22, 2019 | 21

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Recently I had the misfortune to fall off my
bike and land in the middle of the road,
unhurt fortunately. Within seconds three
motorists stopped and asked whether I
was OK. A fourth pulled up behind and
off ered to take me home, without asking
how far away I lived. He seemed rather
upset when I told him I was fi ne and could
ride home. I thanked all the drivers
profusely for their concern and went on
my way. I was overwhelmed by their
kindness and refl ected on the fact that
there are still caring people around, who
are still prepared to help an ‘old man’
in distress.
Doug Collins, Hampton

Ed — Glad to hear you’re OK and were
able to get back on your bike, Doug. It’s
always hard to avoid the ‘them v us’
narrative when talking or writing about
incidents on the road, but it’s important
to remember that everyone in a car is an
individual — and some of them will even
ride bikes.

He needs to enjoy the process, he’s fortunate
to do what he loves for a living. Open your
horizons, only one rider wins. Jonty Williams

Can’t imagine doing a job where ‘winning’
was the desired outcome every time you had
to perform. It must be very diffi cult on a
rider’s mental health to be the ‘hope’ in a team
and then to not actually win. He is very
fortunate to do a job like this but it’s very easy
to criticise from the outside. People with
good jobs suff er with their mental health, it
doesn’t discriminate after all. I hope he gets
the support he needs to start looking forward
to his future again. Beckie Head-Stubbs

He is only focusing on the negative. Many
of the other riders would have wept tears of
joy to get the polka-dot jersey. He is young
and look what he has already accomplished.
I hope someone can reach him and help him
change his attitude. Tammy Criminger

Positive attitude is essential in life.
Martin Okafor

Maybe he should do a Pinot and go race in
Italy and Spain for a season. Th e guy was
burdened with the weight of expectation
from the French public. Wish him all the best
as he has a lot of talent to off er. Peter O’Brien

Needs to change team. Andy Maher

He needs a full cross season this winter to
put things into perspective. Mark Studnicki

He seems to focus purely on the Tour and
[WorldTour] races rather than raising his
profi le, confi dence and results at other HC
races across Europe. Alaphilippe came to
the Tour of Britain [last year] and seemingly
hasn’t looked back since. Paul Ryan

Best job he’ll ever have. Chris Spriggs




of strangers

Romain Bardet thought

about quitting after Tour

Is the king of the
mountains over the hill?
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