Let’s Talk in English 大家說英語 – August 2019

(Romina) #1


If you don’t get enough sleep, you
won’t be healthy. You will get sick more
often. Sleep also HɈLJ[Z your memory.
Your brain is working while you sleep.
It processes information from the day.
If you don’t get enough sleep, you may
not remember things well.
The light from your phone, tablet or
TV can keep you awake. Turn them VɈ
an hour or two before bedtime. When
it’s time to sleep, your room should be
dark, JVVS and quiet. That may help
you sleep better.

Conversation A
James: Hey, Taylor! What are you reading on your tablet?
Taylor: I’m reading about sleep.
James: Are you learning anything interesting?
Taylor: Yes. Did you know sleep affects memory?
James: It does?
Taylor: While you sleep, your brain processes information.
If you don’t sleep enough, you may not remember
things well.
James: I didn’t know that. I forget a lot of things.
Maybe I need more sleep!

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