Classic Ford – September 2019

(Nandana) #1

The group for Mk1 and Mk2 fans hosts its

fi rst special event at the Three Sisters circuit.



Words Simon Woolley Photos Mike Anderson


ocial media groups are great for bringing
enthusiasts — and their passions —
together, but sooner or later you’re going to
want to meet those people in the fl esh, and
perhaps more importantly, see their cars in the
metal, too.
That’s exactly the position the members of the
long-running Escortosis Facebook group (for
owners and enthusiasts of Mk1 and Mk2 Escorts)
found themselves in earlier this year. So, with a
modicum of Dutch Courage they went ahead and
booked a venue. And we’re not talking an evening
pub meet here — with the majority of members
into using their cars, and with a leaning towards
circuit use, the Three Sisters track was duly
booked for a Sunday in June.
A big risk? “We guess so,” grins one of the
co-organisers, Dalton Bleakley, “but with over
20,000 members we knew it was one worth
taking. We needn’t have worried — the car park
was full, we had the support of a number of other
car clubs, and we’ve had some help from


Motorsport Tools promoting the event, too. Plus
they joined us on the day with a cracking display of
cars and, of course, their new Mk2 Escort shells.”
Three Sisters operates an Arrive & Drive policy
for the track sessions, and at £20 per go, there
was no shortage of takers. And with drift sessions
running every 40 minutes, there was plenty of
sideways Escort action for spectators, too.
So, with the day deemed a success, are
Escortotsis planning a follow-up? “Defi nitely,”
says Dalton, “there’ll be another show at a track
soon — only bigger and better. Watch this space.”

Motorsport Tools brought along Mk2 Escort track car (and above) was superbly-prepared.
its own Millington-engined Mk2.


40 September 2019
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