Happiful – August 2019

(Barry) #1


Brought to you
by Therapy

Therapy Directory is part of the Happiful Family | Helping you find the help you need

After watching the
London Marathon
for years, I’ve
decided to finally take
up running. The first few
weeks have been going
well, but the pain in my
shins is taking its toll. I
don’t want to stop, and
have heard that sports
massage can help with this?



I’m sorry to hear you’re
experiencing pain in your
shins – you’re not the only one.
Many people get this problem,
called shin splints, when they begin
to train seriously.
The problem will likely get worse
as you increase your mileage, so
will need managing in order for
you to continue running. Book an
appointment with a clinical sports
and remedial massage therapist.
They will assess your injury, and
your biomechanics, in order to
identify why you are experiencing
this problem. A common cause of
shin splints is over-worn trainers, so
take your shoes with you.
Expect to need at least two or
three appointments to treat and
monitor your injury. Once the
condition is under control, consider
getting a regular sports massage to
keep your muscles in good, flexible
condition, and allow you to train for
your marathon.
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