Ivy League Enjoy English 常春藤生活英語 – 八月 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

CCOOEEX SStaarrfieeelld LLibrrarry LLoommbbbaarrdd SSSttrrreeeeettt

  1. magnificent [ mAg`nIfJsJnt ] a.

The Taj Mahal is a magnificent building.

  1. towering [ `tZUJrIG ] a.

They built a TV tower on the towering hill.

  1. grab the attention^

(^) = attract / catch / draw the attention
Samantha dropped the menu on purpose to
attract the attention of the handsome waiter.
Words & Phrases ⑬⨕䄅奜
ocated in the middle of the wealthy
Gangnam district of Seoul, COEX Mall
is Asia s largest underground shopping
center. Within the large mall is a beautiful book
paradise, Starfield Library, which is open to the
public free of charge. The impressive two-story
library has a magnificent
glass ceiling that lets
natural light shine on the towering
shelves of books.
Last Christmas, an installation, the Starfield Book
Tree, grabbed the attention
of book lovers. It was
made up of over 14,000 books that were piled
together to create an image of happy animal families
sledding down a hill. This is a place that every
bookworm would love to spend a whole day in.
icknamed^ the crookedest
street in the
world,^ twisty
Lombard Street is one of
the most easily recognized
in San Francisco. This single-block section of the
street in the Russian Hill neighborhood contains
eight very tight
turns, called switchbacks or hairpin
turns. From the bottom of the street or a short
distance away, these look like a zigzag pattern. It
was built in 1922, around the time that cars started
becoming common. The street has become popular
with tourists and photographers due to its interesting
appearance. Take a picture or^ if you dare
(^) a walk
down this steep and sharply turning street!

  1. crooked [ `krUkId ] a.
    Most streets in this old town are crooked and narrow.

  2. twisty [ `twIstI ] a.

  3. recognized [ `rEkJg:nZIzd ] a.
    This painting is considered one of the most
    recognized artworks in the world.

  4. tight [ tZIt ] a.

  5. dare [ dEr ] vt.^
    Nobody except for Tony dared to see that horror


Youway Ng / Shutterstock.com^ NaughtyNut / Shutterstock.com


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