Engineering Magazine – June 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

missing key data. And what’s more,
for automation teams that operate in
remote plant sites or without dedicated
IT staff on site, the extra time needed
to address SCADA and HMI downtime
can be even more painful.
Fortunately, best practices are
emerging to minimise downtime
and complexity in SCADA and HMI
Virtualisation, in which multiple
applications are run on a single physical
server, is perhaps the most valuable
strategy for minimising SCADA and HMI
failures. This practice essentially builds
an abstraction layer that allows SCADA
and HMI systems to run on parallel
virtual machines (VMs) on the same
hardware server. Automation teams
running virtualised SCADA and HMI
applications can greatly reduce costs
by decreasing the amount of hardware
devices required on the manufacturing
floor. Additionally, virtualised servers
benefit from downtime-free software
patches, since they can create and test
new VMs with updated patches, then
use them to replace previous VMs.
Industrial automation teams running
virtualised applications should be sure
to select hardware that supports their
needs and minimises risk of failure.
By consolidating SCADA and HMI
applications to a single hardware
device, manufacturers make the

availability and proper functioning
of that device more important than
ever. Fault-tolerant servers can help
detect potential failures in real-time
and ensure continuous availability of
critical SCADA and HMI applications.
These capabilities, once typically used
for larger control room environments,
are now making their way to the plant
floor and other remote environments,
with ruggedised, ease to deploy and
maintain systems at the very edge of
plant operations.
As the manufacturing industry
embraces the tremendous potential of
IIoT, the ability for SCADA and HMI
systems to collect, monitor, and control

industrial processes can unlock new
automation possibilities. But like all
technologies, SCADA and HMI must
be reliable in order to prove useful for
manufacturers. By virtualising SCADA
and HMI on fault-tolerant systems,
automation teams are unlocking new
value by reducing hardware costs,
preventing unplanned downtime and
maximising data collection. This new
level of efficiency will prove critical in
realising the full potential of IIoT.

John Fryer, senior director of industry
solutions, Stratus Technologies


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