The Grocer – 10 August 2019

(Romina) #1

analysis the grocer 33

Get the full story at 10 August 2019 | The Grocer | 17

mystery shopper


esco claimed its third
successive service and
availability award
with this week’s win the most
impressive. The retailer’s last
two wins came with scores of
65 and 67 but here a full bas-
ket of all 33 items helped Tesco
Salisbury to an impressive 88.
Our shopper was impressed
by the well signposted store,
“excellent” range of services
and “enthusiastic” staff.
Sainsbury’s store in
Braehead, Glasgow also per-
formed well this week. Our
shopper described it as “bright,
spacious and clean” as well
as “well organised and well
stocked”. She described her
interactions with staff as “excel-
lent” and the store would have
picked up the win but for an
out of stock on the chocolate
There were two out of stocks
at Waitrose in Billericay. The
store was easy to shop, though
there was litter at the entrance
and while staff members did try
to help, one directed our shop-
per to the wrong aisle when
hunting the condensed milk.
It was a mixed picture in
terms of staff at Morrisons
Stoke-on-Trent. Adam was
described as an “ace chap and a
credit to the store”, though our
shopper subsequently found it
difficult to find members of staff
when she needed them. When
she did find them, some were
not as helpful or as friendly as
she would have liked.
Availability was the biggest
issue for Asda in Washington.
The store had three items out
of stock while our shopper also
noted “ a general lack of shop
floor staff”, except for the high
number of staff she spotted
carrying out online and click &
collect orders.

Ronan Hegarty

The store is 30 years old this
year. Are you planning to cel-
ebrate? We certainly are. We
have a big party planned for all
the staff in October that every-
one is looking forward to. We
still have a number of staff who
have been here since the store
opened – in fact we have some
who have been with Tesco for
40 years.

Does having all that experience
help in terms of customer ser-
vice? It does help, but there is
no real secret to good customer
service. It comes down to good
training and engaging with peo-
ple in the right way, so that they
in turn will engage with cus-
tomers in the right way. As well
as plenty of experienced staff,
we have a great mix with lots of
energetic younger staff.
Tesco is celebrating its cente-
nary this year. What has been
the highlight so far? Without
doubt it was our Tesco Dance
Beats fundraiser for Cancer
Research UK last month. It
was the best charity event we
have done in all my 20 years
at Tesco. We had local groups
in the foyer doing street dance
and older people ballroom
dancing. I obviously had to get
involved, which was great fun,
and we raised a load of money
for cha r it y.

How has summer trading been
so far? We had a tough time last
year in the town, as the nerve
agent poisoning meant tourist
numbers fell and it hit trade –
but then we had eight weeks of
unbroken sunshine and sales
were great. So while tourists are
coming back to the town and
customer numbers are up, it’s
still a tough comparison against
last year. I will say our distri-
bution has been the best it has
ever been, in terms of planning
for hot weather-related lines
and reacting to sudden temper-
ature spikes.
You were at one of the
Metro stores affected by the
announcement of job cuts this
week. How was that? It is never
easy news to deal with, and so
it was important to be there to
support staff as best we can.

Tesco picks

up hat-trick

of S&A wins

Nick Helps was talking to
Ronan Hegarty

Winner: Tesco Extra Salisbury
Store manager: Nick Helps
Opened: 1989
Size: 115,000 sq ft
Market share: 29.4%
Nearest rivals:
Lidl – 0.1 miles
Aldi – 2.3 miles
Iceland – 2.4 miles
Waitrose – 2.5 miles
Store data source: Analysis by CACI.
Call the market planning group on 020 7602 6000

store of the week

Read itemised service score breakdowns and
full mystery shopper comments from each
store visit at

SERVICE & AVAILABILITY Asda MorrisonsSainsbury’s Tesco Waitrose
Co Durham

Trent, Staffs



Car park score (out of 10) 8 3 10 10 10
Store standards score (20) 7 8 16 17 17
Store layout (10) 8 7 9 10 10
Shop floor service (20) 10 9 19 20 12
Checkout score (20) 14 13 17 11 13
Availability score (20) 1 11 15 20 10
TOTAL (100) 48 51 86 88 72
Out of stock/not stocked 3/2 1/2 1/0 0/0 2/
Availability 90.3% 96.8% 9 7. 0 % 100% 93.9%
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