Sunday Magazine – August 04, 2019

(Nora) #1



Salt and pepper
14 rashers unsmoked bacon,
stretched with the back of
a cook’s knife until each rasher
is half as long again
● Preheat the oven to 180°C/
350°f/gas mark 4.
● In a frying pan add a splash of
olive oil and the butter then melt.
Add the onion and soften until
translucent, about 4-5 minutes.
Remove the softened onion from
the pan and allow to cool to room
temperature. deglaze the pan with
the cognac, cook for 30 seconds
and add to the diced onion.
● In a dry pan toast the fennel
seeds for 1-2 minutes on a
medium-low heat until they start
to release their aroma.
● Remove from heat and, using
a spice blender or pestle and
mortar, grind to a powder.
● In a food processor, blitz the
chicken breast to mince well.
● In a large bowl, put the minced
chicken, pork mince, cherries,
onion and cognac, fennel seeds,
parsley and pistachios. Season
well with salt and pepper.
● Mix well using your hands.
● Line the bottom of a 900g (2lb)
loaf tin with a piece of greaseproof
paper. Line the tin with the bacon
rashers. Half the bacon should
be in the tin and the other half
hanging over the top.
● Add the terrine mixture then
fold over the bacon to seal the
top. Cover with greased foil.
● Boil a kettle. Place the terrine
tin into a roasting tray, fill the tray
with boiling water so it comes up
halfway up the terrine tin and put
in the oven for about 1 hour until
it is cooked through and the juices
run clear when pierced in the
centre with a knife.
● When cooked, remove the
terrine from the oven, take the tin
out of the roasting tray and allow
it to cool to room temperature.
● Chill well, overnight if possible,
before removing the terrine from
the tin, peeling off the lining paper
and slicing.
● Serve with crusty bread and
dressed salad leaves.

For more recipes and information,
visit Love Fresh Cherries at

Pork, cherry
and pistachio

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