New! Magazine – 19 August 2019

(Romina) #1
the family was
always going to
win. It’s been a
massive part of my
life for 10 years, so
it will be really weird.
I think your life comes in
three stages. The first was EastEnders and
then I had I’m A Celeb and now I’ve got the
baby. Family comes first.
That’s such a lovely reason for not doing
it. Maybe you can do something in the UK
giving commentary on it...
You never know. When I first did the jungle
I was in a bad place in my life. It pulled me
through that for the last 10 years. Now I’m in
a really good place in my life. I think it’s time
I step down. I’ve got to be with the family.
What were the bad things you were going
through when you went into the jungle?
I’d just left EastEnders. Me and Harry’s
mum [Emma Sophocleous] had just broken
up and so much was going on in my life.
The jungle gave me a new career and gave
me the chance to do presenting based on
my personality. It opened up a lot of doors.
Now I’m in a stage of my life where I’m like,
“Oh my God, my life can’t be more different!”
I can only thank the show for that.
Why did you want to do the voice-over for
the character of Oliver in UglyDolls?
I’ve got a weird voice anyway, so I thought I
might as well use it and do some voice-overs.
I thought it would be nice to do a few of these
while my little boy’s young. Rex will love it! It’s
one of those films that had a really
lovely message. The day we did the
recording was the morning after we
had Rex. I remember saying to Stacey,
“I’ve got to go and work!” She was
like, “What?!”
You must have been on cloud nine...
I was all over the place. I didn’t know
whether I was coming or going so
God knows how it sounds! I gave it
my best crack.

UglyDolls will be out in UK
cinemas from 16 August

With “beautiful”
son Rex

He’s voicing
a character
in UglyDolls

Joe says Zachary,
Leighton and
Harry get on
really well
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