New! Magazine – 19 August 2019

(Romina) #1

‘ I want to add a girl

to our family!’

Joe Swash exclusively tells us about life as a new

dad, his date nights with girlfriend Stacey Solomon

and the big wedding party he has planned



e couldn’t have been happier
for new! favourites Stacey
Solomon and Joe Swash
when they welcomed their
first child, son Rex, in May.
Since then, both have been keeping
fans up to date on Instagram with the highs
and lows of having a newborn, including
breast-feeding struggles, constant nappy
changes and sleep deprivation.
And when we catch up with Joe, he tells
us life is crazy at the minute, but says he’s
totally in awe of their new addition.
“He’s beautiful,” the 37-year-old former
EastEnders star gushes.
Last month, Joe announced that after
10 years working on I’m A Celebrity spin-off
Extra Camp, he would be stepping down
to focus on his family. Joe is also dad to 12-
year-old Harry from a previous relationship
and Loose Women star Stacey, 29, also has
two boys Zachary, 11, and Leighton, seven.
Here, Joe lifts the lid on family life,
getting through the tough times and
marriage plans with Stacey...

Hi Joe. Congrats on little
Rex. How’s he doing?
He’s starting to smile and
make little noises. He’s so
lovely and we’re going
away so it will be his first
holiday – we can’t wait!
Have you spoken about
having more children?
Yeah. I’d really love to have
another child. I’m not the one
to make that decision, so it’s up
to Stacey. We’ve not had a girl
yet, so it’s tempting.
When would you like to do that?
We’re just going with the flow.
Would you like to get married?
Yeah, definitely. We’re really
PHOTOS: Getty, Shutterstockbusy at the moment. There are

loads of things going on and we’ve just had
Rex. Once we’ve settled down and we start
focusing on each other, then it’s definitely
something that will be coming along.
Does Stacey nag you to propose to her?
She doesn’t at me, but she’ll go on Loose
Women and vent her frustration! She gets
her message across to me loud and clear.
Do you want a big wedding?
I’d like to have a little, intimate wedding,
but I’m more interested in having
a real big party afterwards. But
you know Stacey, I won’t be in
charge of that side of things.
How is Stacey doing?
Really good. She just loves
being with the baby. She’s got
a couple of weeks left before
she dips her toe into work,
which I think she’s dreading.
Is she going to be rejoining Loose
Women soon?
There’s an anniversary soon, so she’s going
to go back, but I don’t know what
Stacey’s schedule is going to be like.
I’ll try to help out as much as I can.
Have you planned anything for
her 30th birthday in October?
She wants to go to
Disneyland in America
and wants me to
organise it. I don’t
know how I’m going to
do that. If anyone knows
anyone who can help me,
put them my way, please!
Do you and Stacey get to
go on many date nights?
We do like to go on dates.
Sheesh in Chigwell is lovely,
so we go there now and
again. But at home, most
of the time, I have no control
over the telly. Stacey and
the boys are either watching

Fortnite on YouTube or watching Stranger
Things for the millionth time. I have to really
battle for my time with the telly!
Would you ever do your own fly-on-the-wall
TV show like The Mummy Diaries?
I don’t think so. I love the ones that are out
at the minute, but they’ve already been done.
I don’t know how we’d do it differently.
How does it feel having a little one again
12 years after Harry was born?
I’m quite a paternal person and
I’ve got a big family and I love
kids. When I had Harry it
was quite a learning curve,
everything was new. I felt
a bit more relaxed with
Rex. Every baby is different
so all your approaches
have got to be different.
What does Harry think
of Rex?
He loves him! He’s like me and
he’s got a big paternal bone in him.
He’s so good. All the kids help us out.
Do all the boys get on well?
They do. But at the beginning, because
they’re all of similar age, it was like survival
of the fittest! It was like having a house full
of dogs trying to find out what their hierarchy
was. Now they all play well with each other
and really get on.
We love yours and Stacey’s honesty on
Instagram about the struggles of being
parents. Is that important for you to show?
Yeah, it is. So many youngsters look at
Instagram and try to live their life by it. And
it’s this fake glamour where people take these
perfect photos in perfect locations. Me and
Stace thought it’s important to show it’s really
difficult and hard and it’s not glamorous, but
it’s the most amazing job in the world.
You’ve decided not to present Extra Camp
this year. Was that a hard decision to make?
It was honestly one of the hardest decisions.
There was only going to be one outcome and

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With Extra Camp co-
stars Joel Dommett
and Scarlett Moffatt

Marriage is on
the cards for Joe
and Stacey
Free download pdf