The Observer - 11.08.2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

  • The Observer
    Focus 11.08.19 37

butterfl ies is the current cli-
mate emergency. And, as with any
response to higher temperatures,
there will be winners and losers.
Common and adaptable species,
such as the peacock and comma ,
have already begun to extend their
ranges northwards into Scotland,
and are likely to continue to do
well as the climate heats up. But, as
Marren points out, rare and local-
ised species are less likely to be able
to respond to change, especially if,
as predicted, it changes the nature
of their more specialised habitats.
One example is the wood white ,
a delicate butterfl y found in wood-
lands in a few parts of southern
England and the West Midlands,
where it can be seen fl uttering
along woodland rides and the shel-
tered edges of clearings. Although
higher temperatures should in the-
ory allow the wood white to shift
its range northwards, its inability
to cross large swathes of unsuita-
ble habitat means that it is unable to
take advantage of a warming world.
We would also expect that, as
average spring and summer tem-
peratures continue to rise, new
butterfl y species will cross the
Channel, adding to our paltry total
of fewer than 60 species (com-
pared with almost 500 in Europe as
a whole).
Yet despite the rise in records of
continental European species such
as the large tortoiseshell, long-tailed
blue and the spectacular queen
of Spain fritillary during the past
decade, none has yet managed to
establish permanent breeding pop-
ulations here.
That’s in sharp contrast to other
groups of fl ying insects, such as
moths and damselfl ies, of which
several species have successfully
colonised in Britain. Surely it is only
a matter of time before those new
butterfl ies join them.
So, to sum up, some of Britain’s
butterfl ies are enjoying the benefi ts
of hotter-than-average summers –
at least in the short term – while,
as with all our wild creatures, they
face an uncertain future in a rapidly
changing world.
What is certain is that their loss
would be a condemnation of our
lack of stewardship of the natural
world. For, perhaps more than any
other living creatures, butterfl ies
symbolise that rare combination
of inspirational beauty and fragil-
ity, perfectly summed up by Marren
in his book Rainbow Dust : “I believe
that the fl utterings [of a butter-
fl y’s wing] can summon up at least
a small breeze in the human soul.
Let it blow ... and let it remind we
earthbound humans everywhere of
the power and wonder of the natu-
ral world.”

Stephen Moss is a naturalist, author
and lecturer based in Somerset

Painted ladies
are enjoying a
boom because of
the hot weather.
Butterfl y

 Persuading
butterfl ies to
choose your
garden is
relatively simple:
provide plants
that produce
the nectar on
which the adults
will feed

 Native wild
fl owers are often
considered to be
more suitable
than non-native
ones, but the real
key is making
sure there are
fl owers in
bloom from
April through
to October

 Letting part
of your garden
go wild, with
nettles, thistles,
grasses and other
“weeds”, will
provide a place
for caterpillars
to feed and
pupate, ensuring
you have a
new generation
of butterfl ies
later on

 In autumn,
leave fallen
fruit on the
ground: painted
ladies and red
admirals love
feeding on
their fermenting

 Avoid using
pesticides and



uddenly, painted
ladies are everywhere.
From roadside verges
and patches of waste
ground to the fl ower-
beds in my Somerset
garden, I am seeing dozens of
these attractive black, white and
orange butterfl ies, as they fl it from
fl ower to fl ower, feeding hungrily
on nectar.
They’re not the only butter-
fl ies currently on the wing. As the
last meadow browns , pale and
faded from the sun, straggle along
the hedgerows, I’m seeing newly
minted gatekeepers and com-
mon blues wherever I go. And, on
a recent visit to my coastal patch,
I came across two exquisite little
butterfl ies, brown argus and small
heath : the latter the 21st species of
butterfl y I have recorded there in
less than fi ve years.
This second (mainly) hot and dry
summer in a row is good news for
butterfl ies – and butterfl y watchers.
The charity Butterfl y Conservation
agrees: its latest statistics for the
common blue show that last sum-
mer, numbers in England were up a
whopping 110% on the year before.
Butterfl y Conservation predicts that
this year’s hot weather could mean
that the species will have its best
ever summer.
But we should remember that
butterfl y populations have always

fl uctuated from year to year,
depending largely on the prevail-
ing weather conditions. To assess
these fi gures more carefully, we
really need to look at the long-term
trends, which are rather less posi-
tive. For many of Britain’s favour-
ite summer butterfl ies, including
the once-common and familiar
small tortoiseshell , there has been a
steady decline over the past 40 years
or so. This is due to a combination
of factors, of which the most serious
are the intensifi cation of farming,
combined with a more general frag-
mentation and loss of habitat.
Peter Marren , a naturalist whose
latest book, Emperors, Admirals and
Chimney Sweepers , tells the com-
pelling story of the weird and won-
derful names of our butterfl ies and
moths, sounds a note of caution
about the recent glut of sightings.
While accepting that warm weather
is good for adult butterfl ies, he
points out that it may not be quite
so favourable for their offspring,
which often rely on a specifi c plant
on which their caterpillars feed.
“Where butterfl ies come unstuck
in prolonged hot weather is if their
larval food plants dry up – for
example, if the chalkhill and adonis
blues fi nd only stunted, dried-up
horseshoe vetch to lay their eggs
on.” As he points out, the famous
long, hot summer of 1976 was a
bumper year for these species, but
the following year, 1977, a very poor
one, as the majority of caterpillars
failed to survive.
He also notes that the recent
mass appearance of painted ladies

  • recalling the extraordinary sum-
    mer of 2009, when tens of millions
    of these butterfl ies could be seen
    throughout the UK – has absolutely
    nothing to do with the weather here
    in Britain. Instead, it indicates that
    conditions were favourable on the

fringes of the Sahara in Morocco,
where these butterfl ies came from.
The ones we are seeing now are
actually the offspring of an earlier
generation, which arrived in the UK
back in the late spring. These but-
terfl ies are now feeding to boost
their energy levels in preparation for
fl ying south again.
Research by scientists at Butterfl y
Conservation confi rms that the
long-term population trend of some
of our most charismatic insects is
indeed downward, with more than
three-quarters of the UK’s butter-
fl ies and two-thirds of larger moths
in decline.
This has a knock-on effect on
ecosystems and species: cuckoo
chicks, for example, rely on their
host parents fi nding large moth
caterpillars for them to survive.
But partly because of the short-
age of these, cuckoo numbers have
dropped by two-thirds since the
early 1980s.
We need to know more about
population trends in Britain’s but-
terfl ies – as we do for any declining
species and groups – so Butterfl y
Conservation urges people to take
part in the charity’s annual Big
Butterfl y Count. As its spokesper-
son Katie Callaghan explains: “This
will provide a picture of how but-
terfl ies and larger moths have fared
this year, compared with every sum-
mer over the last 10 years.”


ast year more than
100,000 people took
part in the survey, log-
ging almost a million
individual butterfl ies
during just 15 minutes
of observations. This year’s count
ends today , and so, weather permit-
ting, you still have a chance to take
part. As Sir David Attenborough ,
the organisation’s president, has
pointed out, doing so helps contrib-
ute to our wider understanding of
the UK’s wildlife: “The Big Butterfl y
Count is about more than just
counting butterfl ies – we’ll be tak-
ing the pulse of nature.”
One of the biggest threats – and
opportunities – facing Britain’s

‘It’s more than counting

butterfl ies – we’ll be

taking the pulse of nature’

Sir David Attenborough

A red admiral
soaks up the sun
in Whitley Bay.
Photograph by
Owen Humpreys/



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