Old House Journal – September 2019

(Marcin) #1





Three families go in on a renovation, gaining knowledge and finding success
as they adopt preservation guidelines. By Kive Kerr / Photos by Jason Qualls

This is the story of a real-estate
fl ip—our fi rst. It has been fi nancially
successful, but even better, it rescued a
1910 house headed for demolition while
adding curb appeal to the whole street.
It all started with a group email from
Jason to Garrett and me: “Hey Guys, I
work with a realtor, Linda Tracy–Ryburn,
who lists a lot of houses in the Oklahoma
City Historic District. She’s looking for
renovated houses to sell. I think we ought
to go in together, buy this house, and sell
it. Linda says it’s a great deal!”
I opened the email attachment and
looked at the pictures. My fi rst thought
was, “Is this a joke?” The place was a

dump; it didn’t need renovation, it needed
a bulldozer!
Then again, I trust my friends. Jason is
a professional real-estate photographer
(his company is QProPhoto). Garrett, a
disabled veteran, is a high-school history
teacher. I’m an insurance agent. We three
and our wives have been friends for over
20 years. Among us, we have eight kids
under the age of 13. Garrett, who also
started out skeptical, agreed with me
that we should at least entertain Jason’s
proposal. We visited the house.
Yep, it was a dump. It had been a
college rental for over 50 years. It had
a tacky, 1980s home-store kitchen.

The bathroom had blood splatters on
the tub and tile surround. (The listing
terminology stated “possible biohazard.”)
The house was in poor shape, having
devolved into a drug den.
Once we got over the initial scare,
though, we started to realize some things.
The house was structurally sound, on a
good-size lot with a large backyard, and
it had quaint lines. At 1500 square feet
inside, it was a decent size; with minor
changes to the fl oor plan, it could be a
roomy 3 BR/2 bath residence. It was the
worst house on a street with several nicely
renovated homes: the area was headed in
the right direction. The school district is




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