of agencies and sensitive data involved
proved the efficacy of the Platform+Agile
approach, with the system in seamless
operation for some 18 months. The
architecture foundations and microser-
vices laid down for that system were later
reused, as Hodgkinson explains: “The
Victorian Health Incident Management
System (VHIMS) has only recently gone
live for a cluster of around 50 health
services. Previously, a dysfunctional
version of that application had been in
place for many years and had defied
many attempts to replace it. Using the
fact that we had already developed a lot
of basic functionality and platform
features for CIMS, we were able to
reuse much of the logic for VHIMS.
The project was delivered on time and on
budget and has been praised by nurses
for reducing significantly the time taken
to record incidents. It demonstrates the
strength of platform thinking.”
A recent development at DHHS
is the launch of SafeScript, a new
system for real time prescription
monitoring between doctors and
pharmacies, preventing the over-pre-
scription of controlled drugs. “Safe-
Script is an example of the power of
the Platform+Agile approach to break