Women’s Running USA – September 2019

(ff) #1


  1. Glute Bridge
    with Dumbbell
    “Runners—especially trail run-
    ners—have to have strong glutes;
    it’s important for the integrity of the
    hip and knee joints,” says Simone.
    “While a lot of the other exercises we
    have touch on glute activation, this
    move really zeros in on it, especially
    when you add an extra isometric
    hold at the top.”

DO IT: Lying on your back with
your knees bent and feet flat on
the ground, hold a dumbbell with
both hands against your quads just
above your hip crease. Brace your
core and bring your hips up as high
as you can. Pause for 2 seconds
while squeezing your glutes as hard
as possible. Return to start.
Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps.

  1. Step-Up
    “Just as we did with the single-leg
    deadlift, we’re continuing to work one
    side at a time—intentionally since
    runners naturally do this in their
    sport—here with the step-ups,” says
    Simone. This will further strengthen
    the glutes and eliminate any muscu-
    lar imbalances in the hips and knees.
    “I recommend high-box step-ups one
    week and lower-box step-ups the next,
    alternating between the two. Because
    of the unknowns of the terrain, you
    may have higher steps, lower steps,
    and everything in between, so you
    really want to work the muscles in all
    possible scenarios.”

DO IT: Start holding dumbbells at
your sides, right foot on top of a box
or step. Brace your core and drive
your weight through the heel of your
raised foot while focusing on your
glutes. Come to a standing position
without letting your left foot meet the
right, and immediately return to start
and repeat for 10 to 12 reps.
Do 3 sets.
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