Women’s Running USA – September 2019

(ff) #1


  1. Single-Arm
    Front Squat
    A study in the Journal of Experimental
    Biology found that when runners run
    on uneven terrain, they work two
    quad muscles in particular (vastus
    medialis and rectus femoris) more
    so than they do on flat ground. “This
    move helps ensure all of your quads
    are up for the challenge, plus further
    strengthens the core,” says Simone.

DO IT: Stand with your feet just
outside shoulder-width, holding
a dumbbell at your right shoulder.
Keeping the dumbbell in place, slowly
lower down into a squat until your
quads reach about 90 degrees. Return
to start for one rep. Do 6 to 8, then
repeat on the other side.
Complete 3 sets.

  1. Single-Leg Deadlift

While quad strength is important, strengthening your
posterior chain is possibly even more so. “Since you work
your quads more while actually running, it’s easy to get
imbalanced and end up with weak glutes and hamstrings,”
says Simone. Strengthening them will ward off injury and
this move also adds in a balance component and works on
stabilizing the knees.

DO IT: Start standing on your left leg with a slight bend at
the knee, dumbbells in each hand at your sides, right leg
slightly off the floor. Slowly hinge at the hips to lower the
dumbbells towards the ground (maintaining a slight bend
at the knee), bringing the right leg straight out behind you
aiming for parallel. Return to start for one rep. Do 10 to 12,
then repeat on the other side.
Complete 3 sets.
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