Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1

played at least one sport once a week;
three out of 10 also played in clubs.
That’s nearly 155mn, not to mention the
amateurs who sometimes play several
sports, in the park or at home. More
than 600,000 hours of videos are
uploaded to YouTube every day. With
so many people participating in sport, it
is difficult to identify the new talent who
could dominate their discipline.
The solution would need to incorpo-
rate an innovative social network
based on openness. Today, our talent
spotting system is focused on just a
few institutions located in the richest

countries. So we need a mechanism
which could enable young talent to
truly emerge from the multitude of
amateur athletes around the world.
This is still difficult to imagine on social
networks in their current format.
In asking myself how we could
make sports-scouting less random,
I started thinking about my experience of
business, banking and blockchain. Could
scouting benefit from blockchain; the
disruptive technology that is disrupting
the business world? It is a decentralised
and participatory system and so, through
its differentiating cultural and monetary

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