Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1
value proposition, we could use
blockchain to engage the social sports
community in a different way. 
Why bet on the blockchain? Because
the fundamentals of this technology are
based on the very notion of transparency
and information sharing. It is a technol-
ogy that is open to almost everyone,
is decentralised and transparent. As a
result, each transaction belongs to both
individuals and everyone at the same
time, making the system completely
democratic and robust. 
This technology gives us an opportu-
nity to bring fans back to the centre of
sport. Using decentralisation, athletes
can showcase themselves and fans
can like them, raising their profiles to
potential patrons, sponsors and clubs.
They can even give new talent a boost
by microfunding new boots or access
to professional training grounds. 
In business terms, this clearly
demonstrates how sport can better
listen to their customers (fans) and
empower them. Fan involvement could
also bring their passion and sense of
fair play back to the heart of the global
sports community.
 I want us to imagine a sports social
network model that integrates

Latif Adéothy,
Founder, WeSportUs

“ I want us to imagine
a sports social network
model that integrates
a cryptocurrency and
gives power to the fan
communities that
will elect the young
athletes of tomorrow”



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