Airfix Model World – September 2019

(Romina) #1



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Dark Earth, so on
the ‘Expert’ model it
was replaced by Tamiya
XF-81 Dark Green 2 (RAF)
( Most RAF
fighters in 1940 featured a hard
demarcation between colours, so
P-Mask’s Type-B Mask (PC72006)

was applied (the A-type
scheme [PC72005] was
used on the other model).
Lastly, MRP-108 Dark Earth
was airbrushed in a similar
fashion to the other tones,
with lightened hints applied to
disrupt the otherwise monotone

Finishing touches
A thin coat of GX-100 Super
Clear Gloss provided a smooth
surface for the decals. These
were applied without issue, then
sealed under a further layer of
gloss varnish. It was decided to
apply just light weathering to
the model, so a thin pin wash
was added, via various diluted oil
colours – the key to this being to
mix a tone that complemented
the underlying colour without
having too strong a contrast.
Any excess was removed via a
dense make-up sponge, after
which all work to date was sealed
with Galeria Matt Varnish. Final
weathering touches were limited
to minor post-shading with a
heavily diluted brown tone, plus
several small paint chips, created
with a silver pencil.
The undercarriage was very


Dark Earth, so on
the ‘Expert’ model it
was replaced by Tamiya
XF-81 Dark Green 2 (RAF)
( Most RAF
fighters in 1940 featured a hard
demarcation between colours, so
P-Mask’s Type-B Mask (PC72006)

was applied (the A-type
scheme [PC72005] was
used on the other model).
Lastly, MRP-108 Dark Earth
was airbrushed in a similar
fashion to the other tones,
with lightened hints applied to
disrupt the otherwise monotone

Finishing touches
A thin coat of GX-100 Super
Clear Gloss provided a smooth
surface for the decals. These
were applied without issue, then
sealed under a further layer of
gloss varnish. It was decided to
apply just light weathering to
the model, so a thin pin wash
was added, via various diluted oil
colours – the key to this being to
mix a tone that complemented
the underlying colour without
having too strong a contrast.
Any excess was removed via a
dense make-up sponge, after
which all work to date was sealed
with Galeria Matt Varnish. Final
weathering touches were limited
to minor post-shading with a
heavily diluted brown tone, plus
several small paint chips, created
with a silver pencil.
The undercarriage was very

Painting started on
the lower surfaces,
which received MRP-
118 Sky. Note the
undercarriage bay was
masked with sponge.

 The filler was sanded and polished, followed by a coat of primer to check for any
blemishes. Once satisfied with the finish, the nose was resprayed with MRP-110 Dark Green.

 Well that’s annoying... a ghost seam
was noted after the green tone was
applied. The area was sanded lightly
before a coat of Mr. Surfacer was brushed
on and allowed to dry thoroughly.

Clear vinyl masks are
a cheap and easy way
of ensuring a hard
demarcation and accurate
pattern. White-Tac was
also used in various
places to prevent
any overspray.






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