The Classic MotorCycle – September 2019

(vip2019) #1
MotocrossEuropean Championship and the
Motocross ofEuropean Nations.”

In thebeginning
Forthefirstevent, theKNMVselecteda
two-milesandy circuit inwoodlandatDuinrell
nearTheHague and employedanunusual
and probably untriedscheme to decide the
results.Threecountries –Belgium,Britain and
Holland–entered teams forthe even tonJuly
26, 1947. Each countrywas permittedup to
15 riders,fromwhich twoteams offive riders
were chosen.Thereweretwo eigh t-lapraces
over the course, with allteammembers and
reserves takingpartinboth.Therace times of
eachentran tweretotalledand then theoverall
times of thethreebest ridersfromeachteam
were addedtogetherto produce afinalfigure.
Theteamwith the best(lowest ag gregate)
timewere thevictors andwinnersoft he
TheleadingBelgian professional motocross
racer August eMingels (1921-1973), on a
Triumph,outclassed his rivals in pre-raceday
prac tice andagain duringthefinalmorning
practicesessio nbeforethe twodeciding
races.After 16 miles ofcloseracing, with many
midfield battlesfor supremacyraging, it was
Britain’sBill Nicholson(BSA, with McCandless
swinging-armconversion)wholed by almost
six seconds fromJack Stocker(Ariel) and
Mingels almostaminute adrift in third.
TheBelgians hitback in thesecond heat
with awin forMingels aheadof countryman
Marcel Meunier(Triumph),Hugh Viney(AJS)
thirdand Nichol sonfourth. With theracing
over,the sums were completed to givethe
first Motocrossdes Nationsvicto ry to theGB
‘A team’(Nicholson, Fred Rist,BSA,and Bob
Ray, Ariel) fromBelgiumB(Meunier,JFrenay
and VGovaerts ,both Gill et) by nineseconds.

Successencouraged the immediatescheming
of asecond eventtobeheld in eitherBelgium
or the UK,leadingtoacrowd estimated to
be over 30,000-stron ggatheringonAugust

8, 1948,at La Fraineuse, Sp a, Belgiumfor the
second Motocross desNations.Therules
were re visedtoprovidetwo heats and afinal,
with countries permitted to provide teams
of up to 12 riderswho competedvariously in
thetwo heats.Thefastestthree went through
to thefinal, plus the fastestoft he remaining
ridersuptoamaximum of 30.Sixcountries
entered teams, with the 1947 contestants
Belgian,Britainand Holland joinedbyFrance,
Luxembourgand Sweden.
Many of theriders, although professional
motocrossers, were consummateall-rounders
includingGeoffDuke,amemberoft he British
team.Then better known for his trialsriding
on worksNortons,Dukewas no slouchas
ascrambler either,though hewaslet down
in Britain, whichwaswithoutadomestic
500ccchampionship until 1951.This may
have beenfor the besthowever ,asDuke

persuadedNortonhe wasprettyhandyroad
that sawhim win33GPs (11 350cc,22500cc),
sixTTs (two350cc,three 500cc, one Senior
Clubman’s), the1949SeniorManx GP and six
worldchampionships(two at 350c c, four at
500c c),sooff-road racing’slosswas thehard
stuff’s gain.
Grea tthingswereexpectedofthe British
team in 1948, and especially their leading
rider,32-year-oldBill Nicholson,whose
worksBSA gearbox crie denough in thefirst
race,handingvictor ytoBelgium’s NicJansen
(BSA), who ledhomeahostcountry top three,
with AndréMilhoux andMarcel Spiroux
(both BSA) in theplaces.
In the second race,Nicholsonsplit the host
nation ridersMarcelMeunier(Tri umph)
and Marcel Cox(BSA)to exactsome revenge,
butBritain (Viney,AJS; Duke,Norton;Basil

The inauguralMotocrossdes Nationsin1947, as Bi ll Nicholson,BSA,
winsthefirstrace. Again, notethe addedrear springing.

The 1948edition.HughViney,onanAJS,was partoft he British
team thatfinishedsecond to host nationBelgium.

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ok |Motocross des Nations

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