
(Nandana) #1
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I was also fortunate to attend
seminars with Desikachar and several
other excellent teachers on my annual
visits to Chennai. On numerous
occasions he asked me to translate
his open lectures from English to
French, and our connection then was
very special. In 2007 I obtained the
Yoga Teacher Trainer Diploma under
Desikachar’s supervision. Then I
embarked on another four-year yoga
therapist certification program in
Chennai, while continuing to learn the
rigorous and rewarding art of Vedic

When I reflect on the ongoing
learning process of the past 20 years,
I realize what a blessing it has been to
receive the precious teachings of the
Yoga-Sūtra, Yoga Rahasya, Hatha Yoga
Pradīpikā, Upanishadsand other texts
straight from such esteemed teachers.
They have nourished my life in ways
words cannot describe.

People often ask me what my daily
practice consists of nowadays. I
do about 20 minutes ofāsana,
20 minutes ofprānāyāma,and 45
minutes of Vedic chanting. At the
moment I am learningArunapraśnah,
a beautiful chant about the Sun. This
is the most important part of my
practice, a kind of meditation.
And finally, I would say that my
practice is not complete if I have not
taken a moment to acknowledge my
“guardian angels”: Krishnamacharya,
Desikachar, Frans, Radha (my
chanting teacher), but also my
mother and father. Because, as the
Taittirīya-Upanishadsays, “the first
teacher is the mother, the second is
the father, then comes the guru”.

Valerie is a yoga and meditation
teacher in Singapore, and also
teachesYoga Sutras. You can reach
her [email protected],
[email protected]


december 2018 / january 2019
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