Handwoven – September 2019

(lily) #1

Measure and cut 64 lengths of carpet warp, each 14"
long, to be used for string heddles. Tie the 2 ends of
each string together securely, making a 6" loop and taking
care that each string heddle is the same length.

With the heddle in the down position, working behind
the heddle, use the fi rst pick-up stick (A) to pick up every
other slot end in a 1 up, 1 down sequence. Slide pick-up stick
A to the back of the loom.

With the heddle still in the down position, working
behind the heddle, use the other pick-up stick (B) to pick
up the slot ends that you did not pick up on pick-up stick A,
which will result in a 1 down, 1 up sequence. Turn pick-up stick
B so it is lying fl at and all the picked-up warp ends are clearly
visible. For each warp end on pick-up stick B, place 1 string
heddle loop under the warp end, fold the loop in half, and
drop the 2 ends of the string heddle onto the dowel rod.
When all the warp ends on pick-up stick B are in loops, tape
across the top of the dowel to secure the string heddles.
Remove pick-up stick B. All slot warp ends should either be on

pick-up stick A or in a string heddle. Check to be sure they
alternate correctly.

Weave for 30" following the pick-up weaving sequence
and the weft color order in Figure 1.


a Heddle up, slide pick-up stick A up behind heddle, throw shuttle,
slide pick-up stick A back, beat.

b Heddle up, pull up string heddles, throw shuttle, release string hed-
dles, beat.

c Heddle down, throw shuttle, beat. Use the tapestry beater to beat
the 3 picks in to look like 1 row of weaving.

Weave 1" in plain weave with carpet warp and then a
few picks of scrap yarn to protect the weaving. Cut the
fabric off the loom.

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