Handwoven – September 2019

(lily) #1
Black (52)

White (12)

Steel (18)

Red plaid (38)

White w/black vertical stripes (4)

Steel w/black vertical stripes (2)

Black w/ white vertical stripes (2)

Steel w/white vertical stripes (4)

Steel w/white horizontal stripes (6)

Black w/white horizontal stripes (6)

Steel w/black horizonal stripes (3)

White w/black horizontal stripes (3)

Steel w/black vertical stripes and
white horizontal stripes (2)

White w/black vertical and horizontal stripes (1)

Black w/white vertical and horizontal stripes (2)

Steel w/white vertical stripes and black
horizontal stripes (1)

Numbers in parens: these indicate the number of each square type to weave.

  1. Square count

  2. Layout

Whipstitch and double overcast are the
two most common methods for joining
pin-loom squares. The two methods are
similar; double overcast is simply a
doubled-up version of whipstitch. To stitch
either of these seams, start by placing the
two edges you want joined, right sides
together. The loops will probably be
staggered—this is good. Starting at one
end on the bottom layer, pull your
threaded tapestry needle up through the
first pair of loops. If you’re doing
whipstitch, move to the next pair of loops;
for double overcast, repeat this move in
the same pair of loops. Continue to the
next pair of loops and bring the needle
back through that pair from the bottom to
the top; repeat until you reach the end.

The double overcast join is shown here.
For whipstitch, wrap around each group of
loops once instead of twice.

56 | HANDWOVEN http://www.interweave.com

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