Modern Classics Magazine – September 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
JJ ’s Mercedes-Benz190Edriveresonated.

More temptation,if it wereneeded...



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I havetosay
the best@
sayingsomething.I don’t
knowwhereto start


Golden Goldie memories
Loved the 190E article (August
2019). I’ve been a big fan of these
cars since spotting drum and bass
DJ Goldie clambering into his
outside a club in the early 1990s at
silly o’clock in the morning. It just
seemed so brutish, so cool, so
desirable.Thecar I mean,not the
Fi onaKennedy
We’d passon yourcommentsbut we’d
rathernotupseta Bondvillain.

Benzthelawsof physics
ar ticle(August2019)broughtbacklotsof
memories.I celebratedmy firstyearin
ba nkingwitha purchase– andit hadto be a
19 0E.I’d trieda BMW325iandI’d just
st eppedout of a VWGolfGTI.The190Ejust
se emeda morenaturalstepforwards.
Th at car tookme everywhere– longtrips
to my folksin Lancashire(I won’ttellyoumy
re cordfromGreenwichto Chorley,as you
won’tbelieveit), andnumeroustripsto the
so uthof France.It nevermisseda beat,andI
ra ckedup about150,000milesin thefive
fa ntasticyearsI ownedit.
Sa dlyI triedto upgradeto a C36andeven
tr ieda C43,but theyreallyweren’tthesame.
Th anksforbringingbacksomecherished
memoriesof a greatcar.
Mel Howard
Glad we could assist!

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The Talbot Simca/
Horizon was the first
car I drove. Mum used
to let me put it in and
get it out of the very
narrow and short garage.
Not a scratch!

Great article on the MkI
Mazda MX-5. Brings back
memories of mine, I wish
mine was as clean as the
one you drove!

No way! The Talbot Horizon!!!
That was my first car. Mine
was mostly rust but it was
great transport and taught
me about maintaining cars

Today’s distractions out of the
window were all silver...

boughtoneof thesein theearly‘90s;half
ru st, half hope. Still got me to work for a few
years, until an MoT revealed that I’d bought
two Horizons for the price of one. It was an
entertaining steer, but I shall never forgive it
for conking out on Tower Bridge while
delivering a friend to married life. The wife-
to-be was not amused. The Horizon lasted
longer than their marriage, though.
Bertrand Merrick

I can’t handle the want!
Could you stop it, please. The absence of
Nathan’s 147 GTA was helping to curb my
desire to buy another one, but then you had
to go and publish a buying guide (August
2019). Now I’m looking for one again.
I owned a pearlescent white one from
new. It squeaked, rattled and went wrong on
a regular basis, and the fuel economy
brought tears to my eyes. After the open diff
shattered the gearbox casing I fixed it and
moved on to a VW Scirocco R.
Good God that car was boring. Since then
I’ve owned a Porsche 997 Carrera and a few
fast Beemers, but nothing offers the
excitement of that 147’s engine. I’ve driven
one with a Q2 diff and KW suspension and
it’s transformed. Desperately want another.
Still not a perfect car, but the most fun ones
rarely are. Stop feeding my habit!
Well, this is awkward... see page 24.

S2000 should’ve beaten MX-
I was interested to read ‘Party Time’ in the
August’s issue, as I own both a MkI Mazda
MX-5 and a Honda S2000. I cannot agree
that the steering and chassis of the S
does not live up to the ‘effervescence and
sparkle’ of the drivetrain. My experience
after two years ownership is that they
complement each other admirably; the
faster you drive the greater the sense of
security it offers. Both are great cars but the
winner is the S2000.
Jeremy Steele

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