Woman’s World USA – August 12, 2019

(Wang) #1
On my first trip, I made it to
the dumpster with no problem.
But on the way back to my
apartment, I suddenly became
overcome with the fear that I
might fall. The walk seemed so
long. I should add that there is
nothing along the way to hold
on to if my leg were to give out.
I was getting panicky.
“Please God, don’t let me
fall,” I prayed out loud.
Just then, a beautiful
white light about the size
of a double door appeared
directly ahead of me. It
hung suspended in the
air, pulsating with waves
and shimmers of iridescent
light. I felt drawn to it. As I

began walking toward the
light, I completely forgot my
fear. I felt strong and very sure
on my legs.
I continued walking toward
the light until I had safely
reached the front door of my
condo. And then the light


ll my life, I had been an
active person. I exer-
cised daily, strolling
on the beach, going for walks
around my neighborhood.
Then, one day, my leg collapsed
under me, and I fell down.
After a visit to my doctor and
having X-rays taken, I was told
that I had scoliosis. Surgery
was an option, but I asked my
doctor to let me try physical
therapy first, and he agreed.
For three months, I went
three times a week for physical
therapy. I continued the exer-
cises at home for another three
months after my formal ses-
sions ended. I was pleased with
the results. There
was a definite
At my
condo, I have
to walk quite
a distance to
the dumpster
to throw out my
trash. Since my leg
issues started, my son or a
friend would dispose of my
trash for me. But I didn’t like
relying on others, and since
I was feeling much stronger, I
decided to start taking out the
trash myself again. Sh




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When Woman’s World reader Rita Pompano of
West Haven, Connecticut, was feeling unsteady
on her legs, an angel came to guide her safely
home. She writes:

7 Days of

A guiding light

“A white light
before me, and
I forgot my

Take one a day and feel
great all week!

Day 1
Dream big.
Doubt small!

Day 2
You are proof
that one person
can make a

Day 3
One positive
thought leads
to another!

Day 4
There is no
limit to the love
an open heart
can hold

Day 5
The good you
do does not go

Day 6
Each new day
brings the
chance to build
a beautiful

Day 7
Smiles are still
and free!


“In the Bible, the
angels are referred to
as ‘the burning ones’
because in those times, there
was no other way to describe
the brilliance of their light and
presence. Whenever we call
out to God in faith, He will
send his angels to guide and
protect us. I have no doubt that
the light Rita saw that day was
an angel, expressing light and
guiding her to safety.”

46 8/12/19^ Woma n’s World

Readers share their stories of divine intervention

My Guardian Angel

disappeared. I had never in
all my life experienced any-
thing like this. I truly believe
that the white light contained
angels from Heaven to give me
the boost of confidence that I
needed that day.

If you have an angel story you’d like to share, please send it, along with a clear photo of yourself and your name,
address and phone number to: Angels, Woman’s World, 270 Sylvan Ave., Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, or email us at
[email protected]. We’ll pay $100 for each featured story. All submissions become the property of
Woman’s World and may be edited, published or reused. Kyle Gray (KyleGray.co.uk and Instagram.com/KyleGrayUK)
is an internationally known angel expert. He is the author of six books, including Angel Prayers, Wings of Forgiveness
and Raise Your Vibration, as well as two bestselling card decks and the host of “Angel Club” at HayHouseRadio.com.

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