The Railway Magazine – August 2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1
Colas Class 67s Nos.67027Charlotteand 67023Stella
approachAller Vale,west of NewtonAbbot,with
the 06.09 ReadingTriangle Sidings-Paigntontest
trai nonJuly 5.The‘67s’werestanding inforthe new
measurementtrain HST,which wasundergoing its
majorannual maintenanceduring July.DAVID HUNT

88 •TheRailway Magazine•August2019

‘Passengers first’ as Network

Rail’s regional structuregoeslive

JUNE24 signalled the startof
significantstruc tural changesat
Network Rail,designedto tackle
the declining performanceand
punctualityofpassenger and
freighttrains over recent years.
More powerisb eing devolved
into fivenew regions,with 14
smaller,regional organisations
aimedat being closerto customers
and giving local managers the
authoritytot ackle performance
issues in their area.
From ahighin2012, train
performancehas decl ined from
91.6% of trainsregarded as
Thefivenew regions –Eastern,
NorthWest &Central,Scotland’s

Railway,Southern andWales and
Western–are now‘live’,while
the newroutes willcome into
operation laterint he summer.
Further devolution from the
centre to the routes andregions is
planned in the longerterm.
As well as theregional managing
direc tors announced in June
(see JulyRM), several other senior
appointments have been made as
partoft he reorganisation.
Former London NorthWestern
routemanaging director(MD)
Martin Frobis her becomes interim
group safety, technical and
engineering director, Nick King is
nowgroup directorfor Network
Services ,and Katie Frostretains her

role as MD of NR high speed.
In achange sincethe original
announcement, a14th‘route’has
been created.West Coast Mainline
South covers theWCML from
Crew etoL ondonEuston, and
has been implementedfollowing
feedback from customers.
Taking up his new post as North
West andCentra lregional MD,
TimShoveller set out his planto
rebuild passenger trust in the
railway.“Iamdetermined that
the railway should deliver on its
promises–somethingwe have
not alwaysdone in therecent
past,” he said.
“I wantto help rebuild trustby
getting the basics rightfor train

passengers:reliable services,
clean stations and clear,early
Southern Region managing
direc torJohn Halsall,who
previously servedasMDofboth
the South East andWessexroutes,
added:“Putting passengers first
and addressing the decline in
train performancehave to be our
priorities,and these changes will
help us deliver the better service
thatpassengers and freightusers
TheSouthernregion is the
busiest in thecountr y, with 700
million passenger journeysayear
andmorethan 7,000 passenger
andfreighttrainseveryweekda y.

access improvements
THE DepartmentforTransport
(DfT )has releasedafurther
improvementsto stations
across thecountr y.
Thefund is designed
to enable smaller-scale
enhancements,such as
tactile paving,handrails
and‘Harrington Humps’
to maketravelling more
straightforward fo rpassengers
with disabilities.

Liverpool tunnel
PERMANENTrepairs have
begun onaretainingwall that
collapsed onto the railway
near Liverpool LimeStreet
causing major disruptiontwo
years ago.
Twohundredtonnes of
debris fell on to thetrack in
February2017after thewall
wasoverloaded withconcrete
and temporary buildings on
land above thecutting.
Interim repairsweremade
at the time,but nowfinal
structuralrepairs areunderway
and aredue to be completed
duringthe autumn.

Real-time information
in ruralScotland
RURALrailwaystations across
Scotland have been fittedwith
neweasy-t o-read customer
information screens(CIS), as
partofa£675,000 investment.
TheLED displayscreens
have been installedat36r ural
railway stations,meaning
ever ystatio ninScotland –
except DunrobinCastle–now
hasreal-time,visual, train
white-on-blacktext and
provide customers with
information on the next trains,
number of carriages,estimated
time of arrival,and info rmation
about servicealter ations and

TWOsections ofline in
Cheshireare beingrenewedat
acost of£1.5million.
Around1,000metres of
trackat BleedingWolf,near
Altrincham,will be repaired in
an £800,000 schemeto remove
a20mph speedrestriction,
while £700,000wasspent to
trackat Northwich in June.
Elderlyjointed railsand
wooden sleepers have been
replacedwithweldedrail and
concrete sleepers,allowing
heavier trains of upto 2,500
tonnesto use theline.


Workso pwinsherit ageaward

WORKSOPstation in
Nottinghamshirehas wona
prestigious NationalRailway
a£1.1million investmentto
restor eand conserve parts of its
listed structures.
TheRailway HeritageTrust’s
Conservation Awardwas given
to the stationfollowingwork
carried outby Network Rail to

strengthen andrefurbish the
lattic efootbridge,re-glazeand
refurbish the platform canopies,
and to repaintthe station and
North EasternRailway (LNER)
green and cream.
Improved lighting under the
canopieswasalso installed.
Thework wassupportedbya
£100,000grantfrom the trust.

Workso pstation afterits £1 .1mrestoration.ROBIN STEWARTSMITH

AT LEAST£245million will
be spent by Network Rail
to supportresearch and
technologies between 2019
and 2024.
internet-co nnectedsensors
thatwill‘listen ’torail lines
and spotproblemssuch
as wheel flats,cable theft
and trespassat remote
locations before theycause
disruption; the development
of alternativemethods
forgauging thatcould
deliver savings on clearance,
steppingand intervention
work;and an artificial
intelligence-assisted lineside
inspection andmaintenance
planning system that will
help NR boostthe resilience

of infrastructuresand
NR also plansto further
improvesafet yfor staffand
reducecosts by automating
track inspections,surveys
and incidentresponse using
Innovate UK is helping
Network Rail to deliver R&D
schemesandbroaden the
range ofcompanies involved
in the rail industry.
No fewerthan 24proj ects
will receiveashareof
£7.8million inGovernment
funding viathe Department
forTransport’s Firstofa
NR plansto invest
£245m alongside£112m
partiesforR&D during
ControlPeriod 6.

NR outlin es research and

development prioritiesfor CP6

Network TrackRecord

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