Australian Men\'s Fitness - 09.2019

(Steven Felgate) #1

Alcohol is fattening.
A pint of beer has
about the same
calorie count as
a packet of chips,
while a standard
glass of wine can
contain as many
calories as a bar
of chocolate.
There are next to
no nutrients in most
alcohol – it’s often
‘empty calories’.

Alcohol can make
you far more prone
to injury. It alters
the sequence of the
different phases of
your sleep cycle,
which reduces your
body’s ability to store
glycogen, as well
as increasing the
levels of the stress
hormone cortisol,
which slows down
the healing process.

Alcohol is a powerful
diuretic, a substance
that promotes the
production of urine,
meaning it can
severely dehydrate
your body for up to
a week, depending
on the amount.
If you’re working
out when the body
is dehydrated, you
are at greater risk
of suffering from
injury – cramps,
pulls and strains.

When you start
drinking, your appetite
will increase.Once
you’ve had a few
drinks, you’re more
likely to crave
calorific foods and
less likely to want
to work out the next
day. Kebab, anyone?

According to the latest information from the
Department of Health, men and women are
advised not to drink more than 14 standard drinks
per week. That’s the equivalent to 10 bottles of
full-strength beer, or 14 standard glasses of red
wine. Spread your drinking over three or more
days if you regularly drink 14 units a week or more.
And if you want to cut down, try to have several
alcohol-free days each week.

How much is
too mu c h?



Too much drink
could put your
workout goals
on the rocks...

“The ‘beer gut’ isn’t just a myth:
men who drink a lot can’t
choose where all those extra
calories finally end up.”


Excess drinking can
make you lose all
inhibitions. Whether
that means you
overeat, stay out
too late or miss
a workout, it can
be a disaster for
your training
schedule, never
mind your health
and wellbeing.
Alcohol can have
a negative effect
on muscle growth.
Excessive amounts
affect the levels of
The ‘beer gut’ isn’t
just a myth: men
who drink a lot can’t
choose where all
those extra calories
finally end up, but
the body tends to
accumulate fat in
the abdominal area.
Alcohol interferes
with the way your
body makes energy.
When you’re
metabolising, or
breaking down
alcohol, the liver
can’t produce as
much glucose, which
means you’ll suffer
from low blood sugar.
That’s bad news for
your fitness plans
because exercise
performance often
depends upon high
levels of energy-
boosting sugar.

nIf you’re reading
this, tinny in hand,
despairing at the
thought of cutting
out booze entirely,
the good news is that
moderation, rather
than elimination, is
key. Relaxing with a
drink, being sociable
and having a laugh
is an essential part
of your mental
wellbeing, which
is every bit as
important as your
physical fitness
and appearance.
“The amount you
choose to cut back
on your alcoholic
intake will depend
on how quickly you
want to see progress,”
says fitness expert
Rob Smith. “If you’re
happy making
smaller incremental
improvements while
keeping involved

in an active, boozy
social life, then you
can definitely do
that. However, you
will make greater
progress when
reducing alcohol to
moderate amounts,
such as two to three
drinks maximum
two days a week. Not
only is it lowering
your caloric intake,
so those looking
to lean up will
benefit, but it has
a big impact on
your energy levels
through the week.
Alcohol is a toxin
and requires energy
to be metabolised
by the liver. It saps
making your body
run at a suboptimal
rate, affecting
strength and
endurance. The
odd drink here and

there won’t hurt,
but regular weekly
heavy drinking
sessions will
definitely have an
impact on progress.”
Personal trainer
David Jake Sluszny
agrees: “Training is
all about mindset
and sustainability.
I would never
say cut out booze
completely, since
that would be an
unachievable and
unsustainable goal
for many. However,
I would say that you
should keep in mind
the disadvantages of
drinking excessively
when considering
factors such as
nutrition and
clarity of mind.”

Moderate to accelerate


of us are at risk
of an alcohol-
related disease
or injury

have had 11 or
more standard
drinks in one

of Aussies
drink alcohol
at least once
per week
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