Nature - 15.08.2019

(Barré) #1

reSeArCH Letter

The impact results in little mass loss (see Table  1 ), but Jupiter’s initial
core is completely disrupted. During the impactor’s plunge towards and
collision with the primordial core, a large amount of kinetic energy is
dissipated. Heat release near the centre of Jupiter increases the local
temperature T, offsets the pressure P balance, and induces oscillations
(see the full animation in Supplementary Information). The inner part
of the envelope becomes convective, driven by the steep temperature
gradient near the core. Vigorous turbulence stirs up efficient mix-
ing between the heavy elements and the H-He envelope. After a few
dynamical timescales (a characteristic time with which to measure the
expansion or contraction of a planet; Jupiter’s dynamical timescale is
a bit less than half an hour), the initial silicate+ice core is thoroughly
mixed with the surrounding H-He envelope and their mass fraction is
Z ≤ 0.5 within 20% of Jupiter’s radius RJ. Within about 30 dynamical
timescales, Jupiter’s interior settles into a quasi-hydrodynamic equi-
librium with a diluted core extending to a radius of 0.4RJ−0.5RJ (see
Table 1, Fig. 2a). In the outer half of the envelope, the gas density is
slightly elevated and a small trace of the dredged-up heavy elements
(silicate+ice) leads to the formation of a composition gradient.
The post-impact heavy-element distribution leads to a compo-
sition gradient that could evolve and become similar to an internal
structure that has a diluted core. However, the hydrodynamic simula-
tion is terminated ten hours after the impact. To explore under what
conditions a diluted-core-like structure persists after the 4.56 Gyr of
Jupiter’s evolution, we compute the thermal evolution from shortly
after the impact until the present day. The hydro-simulation sets
the initial heavy-element gradient as shown in Fig. 2a. Because the
exact post-impact temperature profile is unknown (it depends on the
formation process^26 ,^27 , the energetics of the impact, and other such
factors), we consider various temperature profiles with different central
temperatures. Furthermore, we consider an initial thermal structure
that accounts for the accretion shock during runaway gas accretion
as suggested by a recent Jupiter formation model^27 (see Methods for
details). We find that for the head-on collision, a post-impact central
temperature of around 30,000 K leads to a present-day Jupiter with a
diluted core. If the initial temperature profile is shaped by the accretion
shock, this provides another model pathway to a diluted core for Jupiter.
In Fig. 2b we show the density profiles of the best-fitting models after
the 4.56 Gyr of evolution. If the central temperatures are higher (for
example, 50,000 K), the interior is hot enough to ‘delete’ the heavy-
element gradient, leading to a fully mixed planetary interior. On the
other hand, for low central temperatures (about 20,000 K), convective
mixing is less efficient and the inferred density profile is less consist-
ent with a diluted-core structure. Therefore, we conclude that Jupiter’s
diluted-core structure could be explained by a giant impact event, but
only under specific conditions including a head-on collision with a
massive planetary embryo, a post-impact central temperature of about
30,000 K or an initial thermal structure created by the accretion shock
during the runaway phase. Indeed, the hydrodynamic simulation
suggests that most of the impact energy is not deposited in the deep
interior, and therefore the central temperature is unlikely to increase
substantially, supporting the diluted core solution (see Methods).

In contrast, if the same embryo collides with Jupiter at a grazing
angle, it would be gradually tidally disrupted while sinking towards
the centre of Jupiter (see Fig.  3 ). In Methods, we further show that
impactors with one Earth mass (or less) disintegrate in the envelope of
a gas giant before reaching its centre. Without smashing into the core
directly, the shock wave induced by the impactor alone is insufficient
to dredge up heavy elements from the core into Jupiter’s envelope. Such
impacts generally lead to core growth rather than core destruction.
Since impacts of planetary embryos are expected to be frequent after
a gas giant’s runaway gas accretion phase, such an event with different
impact conditions (such as a small impactor or an oblique collision)
may have also happened to Saturn, and could in principle explain the
differences between the internal structures of Jupiter and Saturn^16 –^19.

Table 1 | Initial conditions and final outcomes of the head-on giant impact simulation

MJ MZ,core Mimpactor MZ,impactor MZ,total Rcore/RJ
Before merger 306.714 9.962 9.967 7.975 17.937 0.15
About 10 h after merger 304.946/313.360 17.693 – – 17.901/17.925 0.423
H-4.5 (after 4.56 Gyr) 313.36 10.61 – – 17.925 0.30
H-radenv (after 4.56 Gyr) 313.36 17.24 – – 17.925 0.39
H-4.5-rock (after 4.56 Gyr) 313.36 15.92 – – 17.925 0.45
MJ is the mass of the proto-Jupiter and Mimpactor is the mass of the impactor. MZ,core is the mass of heavy elements (silicate+ice) in the proto-Jupiter’s core, and MZ,impactor is the total mass of heavy
elements contained within the impactor. MZ,total is the total mass of heavy elements contained within the impactor and Jupiter. Rcore/RJ is the radius of the proto-Jupiter’s core scaled to Jupiter’s
present-day radius. Before the impact, the proto-Jupiter’s core is completely made of heavy elements. MZ,core equals the core mass. After the impact, the proto-Jupiter’s core is diluted with H and He.
The new boundary of the diluted core is defined at the location where the mass fraction of heavy elements Z drops below 0.014, and MZ,core then equals the mass of a diluted core excluding H and He.
Because the proto-Jupiter expands substantially after the merger (see Extended Data Fig. 3d), the values of the total mass of Jupiter (MJ) and the mass of heavy elements within Jupiter (MZ,total) are
measured within 1RJ and 2RJ, respectively. Those values reveal that the majority of Jupiter’s mass still resides within its original size, although a hot, extended, low-density envelope mostly made of H-He
forms immediately after the merger. The last three rows list values for the evolution models that best fit an interior structure of Jupiter containing a diluted core^3. All mass quantities are in units of M⊕.




Ref. 3

Normalized radius

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







Density (g cm








Heavy-element fraction

Fig. 2 | Post-impact thermal evolution models. a, Heavy-element
distribution versus normalized radius before (dotted line) and after
(dashed line) the giant impact. The solid lines show the composition after
4.56 Gyr of evolution for the three best-fit models that result in a diluted
core; see Table 1, Methods and Extended Data Table 2 for more details.
b, Density versus normalized radius after 4.56 Gyr of evolution for three
best-fit models (solid lines) and from the diluted-core interior structure
model of Wahl et al.^3 (dash-dotted line).

356 | NAtUre | VOL 572 | 15 AUGUSt 2019

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