Reader’s Digest India – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1
diagnosis in many female patients with
COPD,” he says.
What’s worrying is, untreated
COPD makes patients vulnerable to
cardiac arrests. In fact, it is particularly
dangerous in pregnant women and the
elderly. Worse, long-term untreated
COPD can cause disorders of the
peripheral nerves.

While COPD is under-diagnosed,
progressive and (currently) incurable,
causing irreversible damage to the
lungs, the good news is that it is entirely
preventable and can, with timely
detection, be managed through various
treatment methods.
Reduce exposure. Since prevention
is the key, it is important to avoid
exposure to indoor or outdoor
pollution, smoking, and a range of
occupational hazards such as inhaling
toxic air over long periods of time. We
also need to be alert towards weather
changes that intensify pollution and
mitigate damages.
Get timely help. This is critical—if
you experience any of the symptoms
mentioned in this article, seek timely
medical help.
Take antioxidants. “Since the condi-
tion causes oxidative stress, antioxi-
dants in the diet can be of great help,”
Salvi explains, citing a Johns Hopkins
University study, which found crucifer-
ous vegetables such as broccoli, cau-
liflower and cabbage to be beneficial
for COPD. A dietary supplement, in the

form of a lung tonic containing N-acetyl
cysteine—a synthetic source of gluta-
thione that is produced by our body—
helps dissolve and reduce viscosity
of mucous and has also been proved
to be helpful in managing COPD.
Be civic-minded. There is utmost
need to remove or mitigate risk factors
responsible for COPD, from a public
health perspective, for which the
authorities are responsible—reducing
vehicular emissions through improved
public transport, segregating industrial
and residential areas, better-designed,
well-ventilated housing, where biomass
is not used for cooking, planting more
trees, making sure there are better
public alert systems. However, each

72 july 2019


Cruciferous vegetables^
—broccoli, cauliflower
and cabbage—include
antioxidants that greatly
help in combating^
the effects of COPD.

Reader’s Digest
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