Viz – September 2019

(Greg DeLong) #1


Defendant:Chuka Umunna

Party*:Liberal Democrats

Admitted Offence:Smoking


Defendant:Andrea Leadsom


Admitted Offence:Smoking


“MR UMUNNA,I have to tell you
that your admission – tantamount
to a boast about how ‘cool’
you are – that you occasionally
smoked marijuana during your
youth has sickened me to my
stomach.Yo ur self-serving and
mealy-mouthed claims that you
now ‘regret’ what you did asa
teenage club DJ are worthless.
Is it the offence for which you are
sorry, or the fact that you have
been found out? I think we all
know the answer to that question.
Thousands of innocent people are
slain each year by the drug cartels
of South America andYOU,Mr
Umunna, must shoulder a hefty

proportion of the blame
for each and every one of those
countless tragic deaths. I realise
that you may not now be the man
you were as a youth, but were
I to show leniency to you in my
court, I would be setting a terrible
example to the young people
who may – like you – think it is
somehow ’cool’ to get themselve
mixed up in this despicable and
murderous trade.”

“UMUNNA,you will go to prison
for two years, and you may
consider yourself fortunate that
your sentence is not much longer
Take him down”

“MISS LEADSOM, last month
you candidly admitted that
you smoked marijuana whilst
you were a student atWarwick
University in the 1980s. As
someone who has a lot to lose
by coming clean about such an
issue, your bravery in standing up
and acknowledging this difficult
episode from your past life does
you great credit. Whilst I do not in
y condone what you did,
onesty in coming clean
his short-lived, insignificant
e during the course of
therwise exemplary career,
you great credit. In your

you also made clear that you
never took cocaine or other
Class-A drugs, and as a ‘glass
half full’ man, I would rather
praise a person for the positive
aspects of their character than
condemn them for insignificant,
youthful indiscretions carried out
under no doubt intolerable peer
pressure from ruthless junkies
like Chuka Umunna.”

suffered enough.Put this episode
behind you and move forward
with your glittering career.”

Theoretical shame of MPs under drug
rumour cloud


ORevery politician who admits a shame-filled history with
drugs, there are many more who are keeping their narcotic-
for fun, it’s time to speculate on just what these squeaky clean
MPs may be keeping hidden from the Great British electorate.
Once again, Judge Littlejohn will pass sentence for a shameful
catalogue of shocking – yet entirely hypothetical – drugs crimes
committed by our above-the-law politicians.

DEFENDANT: Keir Starmer /PARTY: Labour
FICTITIOUSOFFENCE:Possession of 3 packs of
Boots own-brand paracetemol

JUDGE LITTLEJOHN’S SUMMING UP:“Mr Starmer, you stand in the dock of my cour
and maintain that you do not believe that the possession of 3 packets of proprietart
headache tablets is a criminal offence. y
Yet, as the former Attorney General, I am in no
of these powerful and dangerous drugs at any one time.
than a craven tissue of lies that demonstrates your Your defence is nothing more
ruthless arrogance and contempt for
therule of law. I have no hesitation in making an example of you, to deter others who

JUDGE LITTLEJOHN’S SENTENCE:“Mr Starmer, you will go to prison for life, with the

DEFENDANT:Jo Swinson /PARTY: Lib Dems
FICTITIOUSOFFENCE:Possession of opioids

JUDGE LITTLEJOHN’S SUMMING UP:“Miss Swinson, you and your expert witnesses
claim that the opioid residues found on the top of your desk in the House of Commons
Mother ofParliaments shows that you are notfit to hold public office.”

JUDGE LITTLEJOHN’S SENTENCE:“Miss Swinson, as you are a new mother and this
and will serve a three-year suspended sentence, during which you will wear an anklefinedfifteenthousandpounds
tag and be forbidden from venturing within 250 yards of the Houses of

DEFENDANT: Jeremy Corbyn /PARTY: Labour
FICTITIOUSOFFENCE:Operating a marijuana
JUDGE LITTLEJOHN’S SUMMING UP: “Mr Corbyn, you stand before this court
convicted ofrunning a marijuana farm in the polytunnel greenhouse on your Islington
allotment, passing the offending plants off to anyone who spotted them as innocent
tomatoes. Indeed, so well-orchestrated was your audacious scheme that you even
tomato plants, but also to bear the same juicy red fruits.”

JUDGE LITTLEJOHN’S SENTENCE:“MrCorbyn,youareanoldman,andaccordingto
recent newspaper reports not in the best of health.Yo
although it is my belief that it is highly likely that you may never taste freedom again.”u will go to prison for eight years,

DEFENDANT: Sajid Javid /PARTY: Conservative
FICTITIOUSOFFENCE:Possession of drugs with intent to
supply, plusfirearms offences

JUDGE LITTLEJOHN’S SUMMING UP:“Mr Javid, this court has heard how more
than 200kg of uncut heroin, along with 100 tubs of Vim, eight sub-machine guns and
a machete, were found in your parliamentary office in the Department of Housing,
Communities and Local Government. Whilst in general I take a dim view of this kind
of activity, it is clear that your intent was to ‘cut’ the heroin in order to make it less
potent.Were it not for this mitigating factor, and your clear concern for the wellbeing
of your junkie customers, you can rest assured that you would
deeper trouble than that in which you already find yourself in much
find yourself. As for thefirearms found in
your desk, the narcotics trade is a notoriously violent one, and I am satisfied that this
impressive arsenal was only maintained in the interests of your own defence.”
JUDGE LITTLEJOHN’S SENTENCE: “As this is only your third or fourth offence, I am
prepared to discharge you on condition that you visit a duly appointed probation officer






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