Woman’s Weekly New Zealand – July 29, 2019

(WallPaper) #1

New Zealand Woman’s Weekly 73

It’s in the


Dec 23 – Jan 20
Throw caution to the
wind and take a day
off. As life has been so
busy, you have a lot of
personal things to catch up with − book
yourself that dental or medical check up,
visit the hairdresser or see your accountant.
Also, don’t be afraid to say how you feel to
someone close to you, they need to hear it.


Oct 24 – Nov 22
You are feeling quite
flirty and full of mischief.
And why not? Life is not
all about work, study,
the house, politics or the state of the world.
Sometimes you just have to put on your
favourite frock and kick up your heels. Make
sure you kick them high; there are potential
lovers to impress and partners to excite.

Feb 20 – Mar 20
Something needs to
be dealt with, so rip
the plaster off quickly.
Some people may be
upset, but there’s no point treading lightly
as this is a situation where you are damned
if you do and damned if you don’t. So go
ahead, be damned. You need to be on your
game for work, so early nights are a must.

Sep 24 – Oct 23
If you share a house
with others, then be
aware someone is not
comfortable; it’s time
for a house meeting to sort things out.
Everyone needs boundaries, so make sure
people understand yours. Given you also
feel the need to be very private this week,
boundaries couldn’t come at a better time.

Aug 24 – Sep 23
You are known for
taking charge and right
now you need to rally
the troops and get
them organised and motivated. This has
more to do with your home, rather than a
working environment, as it’s about moving
and shifting furniture. Purge so you can
splurge on new items when all is settled.

Dame Helen
Mirren turns 74
on Friday and
may feel a little
this week.



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May 22 – Jun 21
There are unexpected
changes in your
environment. This could
be around your house
if you are renovating and redecorating, so
things could be out of place or just chaotic.
This could also apply out on the road, with
your route to work being changed. Your
GPS will be a godsend during this time.

Jan 21 – Feb 19
Convincing people you
are capable of doing a
particular job or task
is frustrating, so stop
trying and just get the thing done. When
everyone realises it’s completed perfectly
and without their help, there will be some
surprised faces. Romantic conversations
with a partner may lead to something more.

Mar 21 – Apr 20
This is a week of passion
for you and you’ll enjoy
every minute of it. This
is not just about love
(though that is on the cards), but a passion
and enthusiasm for life. Get out and about,
smile at strangers, pat babies on the head. It
really is going to be quite an extraordinary
few days. Expect the unexpected.

Nov 23 – Dec 22
There is an occasion
that needs to be
marked. Check your
diary as you may have
forgotten an anniversary of some kind. It’s
also time to celebrate your achievements,
so no matter how small it is, treat yourself
to the perfect gift. Self-recognition will
boost your confidence no end.

Jun 22 - Jul 23
This week, you have a tendency
to be a little emotional, so
avoid watching sad movies or
looking over photos of old
boyfriends and lovers. Instead,
look at cute cat videos and
dogs in costumes to restore
your soul. Make sure that you
look at what you’re eating; if
you have allergies, you will be
extra sensitive and need to
take more care than usual to
save having an upset system.

Apr 21 – May 21
Be optimistic as there
is so much to be happy
about. Finances are
taking a turn for the
better, and there is something interesting
happening around your job or career. There
is a new person in the workplace and they
will have a strong influence over your future.
Show them what you are capable of.

Jul 24 − Aug 23
This is a time to keep
your cool and be level-
headed as everyone
around you loses their
cool over all and sundry. Socially, it’s time
for a party. Gather up all the people you
haven’t seen for a while; it doesn’t have to
be expensive or formal, the important thing
is everyone is there and has a good time.
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