teen space
o these thoughts ever bother you to a point
that you get exasperated?
You talk to me like I don’t know anything!
You don’t care about how I feel or what I
I do my best but nothing good comes out of it!
I study hard but I am unable to get good
Everyone else is so lucky, easy, and stress free!
You always ask me to do way too much, it’s
If some or all of these statements are true
for you, you are likely to have LFT. LFT is an
acronym for Low Frustration Tolerance. It means
irritation, disturbance and annoyance when
things don’t go the way we want or expect.
Obviously nobody is going to rejoice when his or
her plan is thwarted. But have you noticed how
some people are so calm and
relaxed about everything
that goes on around them?
And we think that things
always work out for them,
no matter what? Quite often
we might even envy them
for the uncomplicatedness
of their life and complexity
of ours. And our golden
defence becomes...
Why is it so hard for me and
so easy for everyone else?
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