Model Airplane News – September 2019

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This category doesn’t have a “builder of the model” rule, but it does
have a single pilot throughout the event. Aircraft are static-judged,
and the average of the three best flight rounds (out of four) is
added to the static score. All members of the six teams competing
this year wore matching shirts.

3rd//Team B-17 & David Payne//Boeing B-17G
Th is 1/9-scale Flying Fortress scored 96.083 points from the
static judges, and pilot David Payne fl ew it using a Spektrum
DX18 to earn a total of 193.233 points. Built from the WingSpan
Models kit, the B-17G is powered by Hacker A605 motors
spinning Master Airscrew 3-blade 16x10 props.

4th//Snyder Aerosports & Rod Snyder//MiG-15
Th is model of the Cold War Soviet fi ghter earned 97.250
points from the static judges and was piloted by Rod
Snyder with a Spektrum DX18 radio to a total of 191.950
points. Built from the BVM kit, the jet is powered by a
KingTech 120 turbine.

Top Gun Scale Invitational

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