Model Airplane News – September 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


1st//Jim Baker//
Hawker Sea Fury
With a wingspan of 92 inches,
this 1/5-scale warbird is
powered by a Desert Aircraft
DA-100 gas engine. Jim fl ew
the Sea Fury using a Jeti radio
and earned a fi nal score of
121.583 points.

2nd//Patrick Ash//
FW 190A
Th is Luftwaff e Butcher Bird is 1/4 scale and
has a wingspan of 100 inches. Built from a
Meister Scale kit, it is powered by a Desert
Aircraft DA -100 turning a 27x10 prop.
Patrick used a Futaba 18MZ radio and earned
a fi nal score of 121.267 points.

Pilots in this class must have already placed (twice!) in the
top three spots of an AMA competition or in the top 30
percent of a Top Gun field. Each pilot is awarded 25 static
points for showing scale documentation; this is added to
the average of the best three (out of four) flight rounds for
the total score. This year, there were 31 pilots entered in
the class.

3rd//Rick Marshall//Hellcat
Built from Ziroli plans, this 1/5.5-scale warbird
has a 96-inch span and weighs 40 pounds. Th e
Grumman fi ghter is powered by a 3W 75cc gas
engine turning a Xoar 23x10 prop. Rick used a
Spektrum DX18 radio and earned a fi nal score
of 119.200 points.

4th//Michael Fetyko//Supermarine Spitfire
Th is 1/4-scale CARF-Models warbird has a 108-inch
span and weighs 53 pounds. Th e Royal Air Force
fi ghter is powered by a Kolm Engines 150cc inline
3-cylinder gas engine. Michael fl ew the Spitfi re
using a Spektrum DX18 radio and earned a fi nal
score of 119.017 points.

Top Gun Scale Invitational

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