Model Airplane News – September 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

5th//Eduardo Esteves//F-16C
Th is 1/5-scale BVM jet has a span of
80 inches and is 120 inches long. It is
powered by a KingTech 210 turbine
engine and weighs 44 pounds. Eduardo
fl ew the F-16C using a Jeti 24 radio
system and earned a fi nal score of
119.550 points.

7th//Bill Freeland//F-16
Th is BVM jet is 1/6 scale and is 96
inches long. Powered by a KingTech
160 turbine engine, the F-16 weighs
36 pounds. Bill earned a fi nal score
of 118.200 points.

4th//Sal Becherano//L-39 Albatross
Th is 1/3.5-scale Tomahawk Aviation jet has a
106-inch wingspan, weighs 51 pounds, and is
powered by a KingTech 260 turbine engine. Sal
fl ew the L-39 using a Jeti 24 radio system and
earned a fi nal score of 119.800 points.

6th//Frank Migliaccio//
L-39 Albatross
Th is World Models 1/5-scale jet has
an 80-inch span, is powered by a Jet
Central 160 turbine engine, and weighs
35 pounds. Frankie fl ew the L-39 using
a Futaba radio and earned a fi nal score
of 119.333 points.
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