Soap Opera Digest – August 12, 2019

(lily) #1
with Finn, whose baby
she was carrying when
she left town in 2017.
A delicious way to end
day one.
When the action
resumed the next epi-
sode, Hayden strode
over to where Finn
and Jax were standing
and planted a big kiss
... on Jax! The teens
rushed in, having heard
Obrecht’s soggy cries
for help; Curtis, Jax
and Finn sprung to
action and rescued her.
(Epiphany to the paramed-
ics upon their arrival: “Her
vitals are fine. And sadly,
so are her vocal chords.”)
As Curtis called Hayden
out for deflecting her true
reason for returning (“Same
old Cupcake”), Bobbie
overheard Franco debrief-
ing Liz about Obrecht’s
cryptic, Wiley-related com-
ments, sending Bobbie into
full-blown (grand)mama
bear mode. Eventually,
the guests dispersed, leav-
ing Liz and Franco behind
to nuzzle and trade sweet
nothings. On his way out
with Josslyn and Trina, Cam
declared the night a success,
by Port Charles standards:
“No bomb threats, nobody
got slapped, and only one
person almost drowned.”
Really, though, the
reception was a resounding
success by any standards.
Fun, dramatic and juicy, but
also poignant, emotional,
and sincere, the entertain-
ment value flowed as freely
as the champagne. 

me.” A beaming Liz replied,
“And I would like to thank
my husband for completing
my family.” With an assist
from his little brothers, Cam
— who had been slow to
warm to Franco’s presence
in his household — offered
“a tribute to our mom —
and our dad.” Liz and Laura
both swiped away happy
tears during his beautiful ser-
enade. Couples took to the
dance floor, cake was cut
(and smashed), the bouquet
was thrown, and the blend-
ed Webber/Baldwin clan,
whose P.C. roots run deep,
gathered for a family portrait.
After, Cam congratulated
Franco and the two men
shook hands, a small gesture
that spoke volumes, and Liz
gazed at them as though her
heart was about to burst.
While the semi-new-
lyweds remained in their
happy bubble, plenty of
intrigue was bubbling
among the attendees, chiefly
related to the truth about
baby Wiley’s identity.

Brad was in a state, fear-
ful that Shiloh was about
to accidentally expose that
Michael sired Wiley; Julian
and Bobbie sparred over his
interference in Lucas’s fam-
ily; and a sloshed Obrecht
tore her way through the
party (dropping hints to
Felix that trouble was brew-
ing for Brad and Lucas and
babbling to Franco about
Wiley’s “real father”)
before teetering her way to
the deck. When the power
went out (possibly a shout-
out from the beyond, as Ava
was in the stateroom where
Kiki died working with a
medium to contact her
daughter’s spirit), a mystery
assailant heaved Obrecht
Back inside, the lights
came on, and Liz gasped,
“Oh, my God!” The camera
followed her gaze, revealing
the surprise presence of her
half sister, Hayden. “How’s
that for an entrance?” Hayden
asked rhetorically, scanning
the room — and locking eyes





















Peace Offering:
Cameron (William
Lipton) welcomed
Franco to the family
with a song.

Hello Again:
Budig) made
a memorable
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